What should a child be able to do by 3. What should a child be able to do at three months? What should be in the diet of a three year old child?

The first three months of the baby's life are behind us. A three-month-old baby can already do a lot, but he has even more to learn. The period of adaptation to life in the big world has already successfully ended, the baby has finally become like the plump, charming babies from advertising. To summarize the path traveled since birth, loving parents definitely want to know what a child should be able to do at 3 months?

Baby development at 3 months

By the everyday question of what a child should be able to do, doctors understand the so-called psychomotor development of the child, which includes mental and motor development. Both the child’s acquired skills and innate reflexes, as well as vision and hearing, are assessed.

The rate of formation of motor and emotional reactions, speech development at the age of three months in boys and girls is approximately the same and depends more on the state of health and temperament of the baby than on gender. Differences in the pace of development are just emerging and appear later, from about 6-8 months.

Motor skills

  1. Innate reflexes (support and automatic walking) are almost completely replaced by more complex conditioned and conscious reactions.
  2. The initial coordination of movements can be traced.
  3. The baby lies on his back without additional support and confidently holds his head while lying on his stomach.
  4. If the toddler is held vertically, holding his armpits, he can push off from the support and try to push the offered ball with his foot.
  5. Lying on his tummy, the child rests on his forearms, bends in a “boat” manner, intuitively performing actions to strengthen the back muscles.
  6. The little person’s muscles have already become so strong that he can turn on his side; some children even manage to roll over onto their tummy.
  7. Physiological hypertonicity is finally a thing of the past, the hands are no longer clenched into fists, the baby freely spreads his palms, learns to play with a mobile phone or other hanging toys.
  8. He can already purposefully touch or hit a toy and is getting better every day. The baby tries to get toys even while lying down. By offering toys to the child, the mother stimulates him to further actions.

There are also quite rare cases when a baby in the fourth month of life is able to take a semi-sitting position, but if your child does not do this, you should not try to sit him up. A child’s body, not spoiled by the expectations of society, itself “knows” what it is ready for and what it is not. It should be noted that the pace of physical development largely depends on the parents’ attitude towards swaddling - the more freedom of action the baby is given, the faster he learns.

Cognition of the surrounding world (perception)

  1. A three-month-old baby examines the arms and legs for a long time, pulls them into his mouth, brings them together and spreads them, and can even clasp the arms together.
  2. The baby is already able to determine where the source of light or sound is, actively looking for it by turning his head.

Speech skills

  1. The sounds that the baby makes acquire emotional overtones.
  2. The baby begins to actively walk, expressing his mood and trying to attract the attention of others.

Interaction with people around you

  1. The baby consciously reacts to events happening around him, he smiles at his parents and other family members, and laughs.
  2. The baby carefully studies his mother’s face and should be allowed to touch different parts of the face, naming them.

Comparing the pace of development of infants is a thankless and pointless task, even when it comes to siblings. If your baby is healthy, but doesn’t know how to do something yet, it means his time has not come yet, but there are signs that you should pay attention to and correct in time.

Video calendar of child development from 3 to 4 months

Developmental disorders

It is important to remember that even completely healthy children develop at different rates and physical and mental development are not always on par. The richest range of emotions and speech, ahead of the average age norm, in such tiny children can be combined with some delay in the formation of motor skills and vice versa. It is worth considering the character of the little man, which begins to manifest itself at such a tender age.

Some children, having barely mastered a new skill, begin to actively use it, protesting against adults’ attempts to limit their freedom of movement in any way. Others, on the contrary, weigh for a long time whether it is worth spending energy on such a “useless” activity that a new skill gives them, and they move on to active use after a few weeks or even months.

Please note if:

  • a 3-month-old child cannot follow an object with his eyes;
  • does not react at all when there is a strong sound;
  • you have never seen a child smile;
  • lying on the stomach, the baby’s head remains on the surface and the child does not try to lift it;
  • individual sounds are not pronounced by the child.

How to deal with a 3 month old baby

Already at such an early age, you can and should begin to develop your baby.

Songs and nursery rhymes

Three months is a great age to introduce children's songs and nursery rhymes. Even if for some reason you haven’t done this before, it’s worth taking a moment and enriching mutual communication with your baby. A variety of sounds and intonations is very important for the development of speech. The child often entertains himself by “singing” arbitrary combinations of sounds; the first consonants are heard in the humming.

Imitation of speech and movement

Whenever communicating with your baby, it is advisable to comment on your and his actions. This is necessary for the formation of the baby’s passive vocabulary. Of course, he will learn to understand the meaning of words when he is older, but the more you talk to the baby, the sooner this will happen. When communicating with a baby, you can and should imitate his cooing and use exaggerated facial expressions. Babies are excellent imitators and after a while the child will repeat the mother’s movements.

Hide and seek

At three months, you can already offer the baby the simplest games, hide behind a diaper or hide a toy from him, accompanying the appearance of the object of observation with the exclamation “peek-a-boo.”

We switched to formula at seven months, since I ran out of milk, my friend advised me to take Materna "Extra Care". I am very pleased with my choice, the mixture is good, dissolves quickly and easily, the child eats with pleasure. Since I try everything before giving it to my baby, I also tried this mixture, I personally liked it, it has a pleasant sweetish taste and good consistency. With this mixture we grow well and we don’t have tummy problems! We took the mixture from the baby1care website.

10 reasons why breastfeeding moms envy moms on IV

This is a case where the road to hell is paved with good intentions. By protecting your child’s psyche from feelings of guilt, you do not give him the opportunity to repent. Only a feeling of remorse, a feeling of regret for one’s bad actions, keeps one from repeating them. Instead of experiencing both the feeling of guilt and the feeling of loss with your child, you lied to him, you inspired him: “You are not to blame for anything, you are not to blame for anything.” This is how egoists are raised. Now, every time he acts badly, your son will repeat to himself: “I am not to blame for anything!” But your son has a conscience - he KNEW and UNDERSTOOD that the animal died, and that he was the reason for it. But he had no one to share his experiences with. You lied to your son - don't be surprised when he lies to you. You have once freed him from the feeling of guilt - do not be surprised when your grown, adult son refuses to admit his guilt in any way and take responsibility for his actions

Pediatricians note that the development of each child occurs “according to an individual program.” Three-year-old children develop rapidly and spasmodically. The baby’s skills are improving every day, and parents are surprised to note all the new achievements of their fidget. And although it is unlikely that you will be able to find even two kids with the same set of skills, there are certain development standards at any age, including at 3 years old.


Speech skills

By the age of 3, a child’s speech changes dramatically. This is no longer a clumsy monosyllabic conversation, but coherent sentences with words changing according to cases and declensions. The vocabulary is about 1.5 thousand words, of which 500-600 words are actively used. However, not all children speak freely; many cannot pronounce hissing sounds and the sound [r]. Mandatory speech skills are as follows:

  • correctly pronounces his first and last name, the names of his parents and loved ones;
  • makes sentences of five or more words, using prepositions correctly;
  • sentences consist mainly of nouns, pronouns and verbs;
  • remembers short children's poems, reciting them from memory, retells short prose;
  • easily recognizes and names objects familiar to him;
  • composes a story based on the picture using up to 5 simple sentences;
  • uses singular and plural words in conversation;
  • knows many adjectives, but rarely uses them in speech; more often he uses them separately, characterizing an object or phenomenon;
  • distinguishes antonyms and uses them correctly (big - small, high - low);
  • conducts a dialogue and answers questions coherently.

At this age, some children begin the “age of why,” when they ask questions about all the objects and phenomena that come their way. It is important to be patient and satisfy your baby’s curiosity. You need to talk a lot with your child, read books, learn poems and song lyrics. Let him talk about his impressions, using words from the category of perception (liked, remembered, saw, felt). All this perfectly develops speech, enriches vocabulary and conceptual stock.


The speech and thinking of a three-year-old child are closely related. Perceiving new phenomena, he tries to explain and talk about them. A child of 3 years old already has access to the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, he draws conclusions from what he sees and hears, and tries to explain some phenomena:

  1. Composes simple logical chains based on his own observations and stories from adults. So, he is quite capable of determining that it rained at night if he saw puddles through the window in the morning.
  2. Compares pictures or objects, finds similarities and differences, groups them according to common characteristics. Able to identify the “extra” item in the presented row.
  3. Recalls events of the recent past, talks about what happened a few days ago.
  4. Collects puzzles consisting of 6-8 elements. Easily assembles a pyramid, taking into account the size of the rings. He makes a tower out of cubes, trying to place them evenly.
  5. Knows the concepts of “one-many”, counts to five, showing the corresponding number on his fingers.
  6. Knows up to 10 colors, distinguishes them and names them himself, knows and distinguishes basic geometric shapes, concepts of seasons, names of vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc.
  7. Compares figures by shape, color, groups them, arranges them by size - from largest to smallest, matches one object to another according to a given criterion.

A child of 3 years old is already making quite complex decisions and trying to explain his actions. This is a time when special attention should be paid to creative development: together we sculpt from plasticine, draw, make crafts from natural materials. This develops not only thinking and creativity, but also fine motor skills.

Motor development

Experts advise developing a child’s motor skills up to school age, because the clarity of movements depends on this, even how correctly he will hold a pen when writing. At 3 years old, a child should be able to do the following:

  • easy to collect one bead, pea and other small item at a time;
  • put beads on a thread;
  • make balls from plasticine;
  • cut paper with scissors;
  • collect the mosaic.

To develop fine motor skills, there are special exercises and games that allow you to improve motor skills. Finger exercises, which are performed daily during or before classes, will help.

Video: Developing fine motor skills: finger gymnastics for the little ones.

Household skills

A 3-year-old child strives for independence in everything: for example, he tries to tie his own shoelaces and brush his teeth. Household skills at this age are already quite developed; the baby can easily perform all the necessary hygiene and other daily procedures on his own:

  • dresses confidently, some can even distinguish between the right and left legs, the front and back sides of clothes;
  • knows his things and knows how to use them, finds his toothbrush and towel;
  • unbuttons and fastens buttons on clothes, puts things in the closet;
  • cleans up toys after himself, puts them in their places: cubes in a box, soft toys on shelves, the rest in a basket;
  • eats independently with a spoon; some children can use a fork quite deftly;
  • uses a handkerchief for its intended purpose, wipes the soiled face with a napkin;
  • washes hands before eating, drying them with a towel;
  • takes off shoes and outerwear when coming home from the street.

Everything that a 3-year-old child should be able to do in terms of everyday skills is taught exclusively by close people. Failure to meet certain criteria is not a failure to meet age or a developmental delay; rather, it is a failure of the parents.

Motor skills

Three-year-old children are very active and mobile. Coordination is already fully developed, the baby freely controls his movements, testing his own capabilities and abilities:

  • runs confidently and quickly;
  • plays with the ball: kicks it, throws it, catches it;
  • easily climbs and descends stairs, including vertical ones, alternating legs; more physically developed children can jump over steps;
  • he climbs up the hill and slides down it;
  • maintains balance while standing on tiptoes and can walk quite a long distance this way;
  • walks backwards;
  • rides a tricycle;
  • keeps balance and jumps on one leg;
  • tumbles back and forth.

It is better to channel the child’s overwhelming energy in the right direction by placing him in one of the sections for the little ones, where he will develop physically. Swimming is a very good training for motor functions and coordination. This must be done under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Cognitive, intellectual and emotional development

Mental processes: attention, memory and thinking are already well developed by the age of 3. The baby has a good sense of spatial orientation and can show the way to a store or playground. He is already able to concentrate on one lesson for up to 5 minutes, which can be used in educational games aimed at describing the sequence of actions shown in the picture, or describing a drawing from memory.

Talking about the events of the day, the baby embellishes reality. Sometimes this is perceived by adults as a lie, but this is only a manifestation of fantasy, which by this time begins to develop.

The child understands that he is an independent person, trying to show individuality in everything, to defend his opinion, which often turns out to be opposite to the opinion of his parents. This is also related to the replacement of the pronoun “we” with “I”: “I will go”, “I will do”.

Psychologists talk about the crisis of three years, when yesterday’s obedient child becomes capricious and does not fulfill the requests of his parents. This is a kind of attempt to defend the emerging point of view. It is very important not to try to achieve complete obedience, but to find a compromise in the relationship, otherwise trust and mutual understanding can be lost, causing aggression.

Social skills

Communication skills with other people become increasingly important for a child. If earlier he was content with communicating with his parents, now he strives more and more to be among his peers. Until recently, children played nearby, but at the age of 3 they begin to play together, sharing toys, enjoying joint role-playing games:

  • the child easily gets to know other children, although some still prefer independent games to group games;
  • perceives and obeys the rules of a certain game;
  • during the game he sees and understands the danger and can prevent it;
  • When communicating with others, he uses the words “thank you” and “please,” “hello” and “goodbye.”

The listed skills and abilities are the result of educational and educational games, active communication with loved ones and peers. A child’s day during this period should be eventful and varied, filled with new emotional and tactile sensations. However, you should not overdo it, otherwise you will not avoid overexcitation and poor sleep. Routine for a baby is still very important, and it is advisable to replace active games by the end of the day with calm ones, without neglecting reading at night.

A three-month-old baby is pleasantly round, lively and pleasing to the eyes of the household. significantly decrease or disappear altogether. Parenting becomes even more enjoyable and joyful.

What can a 3 month old baby be able to do?

Important and interesting information about this is presented in the article by the children's doctor.

An informative article from a pediatrician, telling about what his main skills are.

  • holds his head confidently;
  • learns to roll over from back to stomach;
  • with support, stands on a support, straightening his legs;
  • tries to grab a close hanging object;
  • considers the person who communicates with him;
  • Demonstrates a “revitalization complex.”

Child development at 3 months

The development of a 3-month-old baby makes a colossal leap at this age. And the list of what a baby can do at 3 months is quite large.

The main achievement of a child is the ability to hold his head vertically. Over the previous months, the baby had been steadily developing the muscles of his neck and shoulder girdle. Lying on his stomach, he kept his head raised longer and longer. Now, confidently rising on his forearms, the baby can hold out for several minutes.

A child of 3 months, being in an upright position, should confidently hold his head. Some take half a minute, some take several minutes. If there is no such sign, consult a doctor.

With support from the armpits, the child stands firmly on a solid support, bending his legs at the hip joints for a short time. The leg muscles, following the arm muscles, gain strength. A child, of course, cannot stand on his own in this position. Leaving it in this position is prohibited.

Many children begin to roll over from their back to their stomach at three months. To develop this skill more actively, do an activity with your baby:

  1. The child is on his back, and the parent carefully takes his right leg, lifts it a little and points it to the left.
  2. The baby then, obeying inertia, turns first onto his left side, and then onto his tummy.
  3. Repeat with the other leg.

For a baby, the moment of turning the leg is the most difficult. With outside help, it will be easier for him to master this skill.

Having learned to roll over, a child is quite capable of falling from open, unprotected surfaces. Do not leave your baby unattended. If your baby is not sleeping in his crib, be sure to protect him on all sides with pillows. This will avoid troubles associated with falls due to negligence.

Fine motor skills continue to develop. If you hang toys above the crib at a distance of 15 centimeters, the child will bump into them and try to grab them. Newborn reflexes also begin to fade. First of all, these are the proboscis, search and Babkin reflexes.

Parents can check them themselves:

  • search reflex. If you tickle a child’s cheek, he will move towards the irritation, looking for its source;
  • proboscis reflex. If you lightly tap the baby's lips, he will stretch them out like a proboscis;
  • Babkin reflex. If you grab the baby's hands and press on the middle of the palms, the baby will open his mouth.

In a three-month-old baby, these reflexes should already have faded away. If in any doubt, consult a neurologist!

While being held, the child examines everything around with interest. After all, the baby holds his head confidently and knows how to twist it.

This way, we can take a closer look at everything.

Holding the baby upright, show the surrounding objects, tell and show the baby everything you see. This will not only increase the amount of information about what you see, but will also contribute to the development of the ability to understand speech.


When extraneous noise appears, it turns its head in search of the source. If he hears a familiar voice, he fixates on his face and stares for a minute.

Find out from the article by a child psychologist what role they play and how useful it is to include such audio sources for the development of a child.

Emotions and behavior

The most striking manifestation is the emergence of a “revival complex.” Seeing mom or dad, the baby begins to vigorously move his arms and legs, smiles and gurgles.


The beginning of the formation of baby babble. In the general flow of sounds, a division occurs - you can hear gurgling, chuckling, whimpering. When humming, consonant and vowel sounds are clearly audible.


A 3-month-old child cares who is nearby.

When the mother leaves, the baby may cry and not calm down until she returns. A baby may not want to be held by one person or smile at another.

Child's height and weight

The baby's body weight at 3 months depends on the body weight at birth. On average, during this time the baby gains 2 - 2.5 kilograms. This way you can calculate how much a child should weigh at 3 months.

For example, a boy was born with a body weight of 4300 grams. It is normal if at 3 months he weighs about 6500 grams.

The height of a child at 3 months is calculated simply. Considering that in one month a baby grows by an average of 3 centimeters, a child born with a height of 55 centimeters will be 64 - 65 cm in three months.

The norms of height and weight do not have any specific value. Children are individual, their growth is uneven. In pediatrics, there are special tables that show all these indicators depending on gender and age. And only a significant deviation from the norm should cause alarm.

Infants who receive food on demand can gain a kilogram or even more per month. There is no reason to worry. This does not threaten obesity in the future. When the child begins to move more actively, the extra pounds will go away without any consequences.

If the baby is formula-fed, body weight must be monitored more closely.

Nutrition and daily routine

By three months, a certain one is formed. The baby begins to keep time between feedings and goes to bed after a certain hour. On average, at this age they sleep 5 times - 4 during the day and 1 time at night. In the third month of a child’s life, nutrition is exclusively breastfeeding or formula.

By 3 months, the mother's milk supply may decrease. The most important thing is not to panic and breastfeed more often.

Juices, as was common in Soviet times, are now highly discouraged.

How to develop a child at 3 months?

A very detailed and informative article by a pediatrician about how to perform this procedure correctly and when this procedure is contraindicated.

In the article, a pediatrician explains in what cases it is used and how to use it correctly when performing a massage.

  • general massage. It is useful to give your baby a light massage session before each bath. Start with stroking movements, then move on to light rubbing and vibration. Massage the legs in turn, then the arms, chest, tummy and back. Vaseline oil is used as a massage product. Immediately after the massage - bathing;
  • gymnastics. Of course, babies don’t know how to study on their own. A complex of joint gymnastics complements the massage session. It consists of light revolutions and unobtrusive bending and extension of the legs and arms.

    The best option is if parents initially see a massage performed by a children's masseur. And then they will continue at home, following the recommendations of a specialist;

  • nursery rhymes. These are joke rhymes for the little ones. They can accompany every action: dressing, bathing, playing, even cutting nails, which is unloved by many babies. The child thus understands what actions are being performed and what procedures are being carried out;
  • toys. These include rattles, various animal figurines, dolls, educational rugs, and more. The abundance of colors and textures will create a variety of visual and tactile impressions and will help keep the baby occupied for a while;
  • constant communication and speech flow. While walking with your child, show and tell about elements from the surrounding world - trees, flowers, snow, leaves, furniture around. Constantly accompany your actions with explanations. What are you doing, why and how. For now, the baby will not understand much. But constantly hearing words will help in the future in acquiring the skills of understandable and active speech.

Be sure to read the article by a child psychologist, which describes the most popular and effective ones. A review of pedagogical systems will help you decide whether it is necessary to develop a child from the cradle.


From this article you will learn what a child of 3 months of age can do on his own, what daily routine is most suitable for babies of this age, how and when to introduce complementary foods , weight and height of a three-month-old baby.

The behavior of a small child at three months is more meaningful than that of a two-month-old baby. Movements become more refined and purposeful, and the gaze can focus on an object in its field of vision. By the middle of 3 months, the child may turn his body slightly on his side to try to reach his favorite toy with his hand. . The best toys for a three-month-old baby are rattles and multi-colored ones spinning above the crib. soft toys (for example, a mobile).

At this age, the baby easily understands what mood the adult nearby is in. If mom or dad is in a good mood, then it is immediately transmitted to the little person and he smiles from ear to ear. And if parents quarrel, sort things out, or are irritated by something, then the small child cries and demonstrates restless behavior.

At 3 months, your baby's conversational skills are actively developing. and therefore you need to communicate with him as often as possible, play educational games, clearly accompanying your actions with remarks. In response, the baby will happily walk and even try to reproduce sounds similar to into babble and syllables - ahu, gu-gu, ta-ta.

The three-month-old toddler is gradually turning into a little explorer and enjoys looking at bright toys, items of clothing, and his hands. The muscle tone is no longer as tense and the fists are not clenched as tightly as in the first months after birth . He often touches surrounding things with his fingers, sometimes even grabs them with his pen and holds them. Tactile sensations and hand motor skills develop.

To better see nearby objects, the child can raise the head and upper part of the body, resting his hands on the surface. But he cannot remain in this position for long. At this age, the baby requires increased attention to himself and begins to be capricious if mom or dad don’t communicate with him for a long time.

What does a child look like and what can he do at 3 months:


Why is the baby crying?

the baby wants to sleep.
He is very tired or it is time to go to bed. The baby begins to rub his eyes with both hands, intensively twist his head from side to side, and if laying down is delayed, he begins to cry;

I'm hungry.
It's time to feed if the baby begins to sob little by little, and after a while cry shrilly and loudly;

cries in pain.
If a child has something in pain (head due to fever, tummy due to colic or bloating), then he suddenly begins to cry a lot, and immediately at a high pitch.

Why does a 3 month old baby drool profusely?

at three months of age, many babies experience increased salivation , as the salivary glands begin to develop and function more actively. This is normal and parents should not worry about it;

In addition, at this age the baby is actively interested in the taste qualities of the objects around him and tastes everything “by tooth.” And he often sticks his fingers deep into his mouth. At the same time, drool is released profusely;

Some children develop thrush in their mouths. If you notice symptoms of thrush in your child , be sure to visit your pediatrician;

in very rare cases, three-month-old babies begin
first teeth erupt . This leads to increased salivation.

Fever in a 3 month old child.


the child is very active and moves a lot;

overheats outside in hot weather or due to excessive wrapping;

the first incisors appear;

the child overexerts himself during prolonged screaming;

incorrect drinking regime;

colds or infectious diseases .

Contact your doctor immediately if your baby develops:

Severe runny nose and noisy, arrhythmic breathing;

Convulsions with rolling of the eyes and pale skin;

Apathy and lethargy (or vice versa - excessive overexcitation);

The neck muscles are very tense, the head cannot be bent towards the body;

A small rash appeared on the skin;

- loose stools and vomiting;

The color of the urine has noticeably changed. The baby does not urinate for a long time;

Within 5-6 hours he refuses to feed.


1) stand on your feet without tucking your toes (the adult is holding the child);

follow with your gaze an object moving slowly nearby;

3) must be able to turn his head in the direction of the coming sound;

4) keep the body and head in good shape when picked up;

knows how to lift the torso and head when lying on the tummy;

distinguish spoken speech from other sounds;

7) swim in the bathtub in a special circle ;

at 3 and a half months listens carefully to spoken words and tries to babble in response;

9) knows how to not only smile, but also laugh for a long time;

eat with your palms around the bottle or mother’s breasts .


Below is an example of a daily routine for a baby:

◘ Dream ◘

How long does a 3 month old baby sleep? A three-month-old baby should sleep a total of 17 hours every day.

In the fresh air, the child falls asleep better and sleeps more soundly and with healthy sleep. In the cold season, it is not advisable to walk for more than an hour. If the air temperature is 3 degrees or lower, then reduce walks to 40 minutes, dressing the child warmly.

In the summer, you can walk with your child for about two hours, covering the stroller with a cloth that does not allow direct sunlight and small insects to pass through.

During the daytime, a small child sleeps for about two hours 2-3 times. At night - a long sleep of 10-12 hours with a break for feeding.

◘ Food ◘

At 3 months of age, the baby continues to feed on mother's milk. It is not advisable to introduce complementary foods before 4-5 months, since the baby’s digestive system is not sufficiently formed and there is a high probability of allergies, as well as gastrointestinal disorders. The table shows an example of feeding an infant 6 times a day at three months:

How much does a small child eat at three months?
The daily volume of baby formula eaten (if the baby is bottle-fed) or breast milk has increased by 60-70 ml. In just one day, a 3-month-old baby eats 860-870 ml, and each feeding accounts for approximately 120-130 ml of food.

If full breastfeeding for one reason or another has stopped and the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, then complementary foods can be introduced at 3.5 months.

The break between feedings of a weakened baby who is on artificial feeding is approximately three hours during the day and 6 hours at night.

The transition from liquid nutrition to thicker nutrition must be carried out very gradually. It is better to start introducing complementary foods into your diet not with fruit or vegetable purees, but with half-diluted water juice with a sweet and sour taste.

You can choose apple juice and start giving it diluted, half a teaspoon. Over the course of 3 weeks, increase the daily intake to 5 teaspoons. Water or rosehip decoction should also be given little by little - a few teaspoons between feedings.


Boys weigh from 4.8 to 6.9 kg,
And girls - from 4.6 to 6.4 kg.


The height of boys at this age is from 57 to 63 cm,
And the height of girls is from 56.4 to 62 cm.

It is advisable to purchase special scales for weighing infants or weigh the baby once a month in a medical facility.
The baby's weight should increase evenly without sudden fluctuations. If your body weight suddenly begins to decrease, contact your pediatrician immediately for advice.

In 3 months, the baby’s weight will increase by about 850 grams and height by 3-4 cm.


According to most child psychologists, it is undesirable to watch cartoons and any other animated pictures for children under 1 year old.

It is strictly forbidden for a very young child to watch cartoons for more than 2-3 minutes, as animation can cause mental development disorders and vision problems!

Pictures in a cartoon should not be bright, with rich, acidic colors. The animation should not be fast, calm, without sudden transitions from one plot to another. The sound accompanying the plot is not loud or harsh. Cartoon characters must be positive. A child should not watch a cartoon alone.

Constantly comment on the plot, communicate with your baby. It is very advisable to purchase or make your own toy cartoon characters. During the game, act out scenes with toys in front of your baby’s eyes based on the story you watched the day before.

Now on the Internet you can find various educational cartoons for children 3 months old. Below is a video clip with a colorful and educational cartoon for very young children: