Cognitive activity at home types in the older group. Lesson notes for the senior group “Who lives where. We built houses

Target. Expand children's understanding of the construction profession.

Tasks. Introduce children to different building materials (taking into account the regional component); cultivate a desire to provide help and pay attention to those in need; enrich cognitive knowledge (familiarity with concrete, its properties and qualities, the method of its manufacture). Summarize knowledge about construction professions: show the importance of the construction profession, cultivate a respectful attitude towards working people.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 37

Educational activity

“What is the house made of?”

For children of senior preschool age

Ivanova Elena Alexandrovna

Senior group teacher

Target. Expand children's understanding of the construction profession.

Tasks. Introduce children to different building materials (taking into account the regional component); cultivate a desire to provide help and pay attention to those in need; enrich cognitive knowledge (familiarity with concrete, its properties and qualities, the method of its manufacture). Summarize knowledge about construction professions: show the importance of the construction profession, cultivate a respectful attitude towards working people.

Demonstration material. Fox toy, pictures depicting houses from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, other houses and photographs depicting beautiful buildings and houses. Material for the game-experiment: sand, crushed stone, cement, clay, water, straw. Photos depicting beautiful houses.

Methodological techniques.Game motivation, making and guessing riddles, conversation, educational games,game - experiment, looking at illustrations, pictures and photographs,poetic word of an adult.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Let’s imagine that we were invited to a television studio for a children’s program “Future builders." Do you agree to be part of the program? (Answers.) And who will I be?

Children. TV presenter.

Educator. And those who will come to visit us?

Children. TV viewers.

Educator. Participants of the program, please take your seats. Are you ready?Let's start! Good afternoon, dear TV viewers! I want to start my program by introducing participants to the variety of building materials. Dear friends (addressing the children), we received a letter for our program with a riddle hidden in it. We have to guess who will come to visit us today.

Look what it's like...

Everything burns like gold!

Walks around in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and large.

Children. Fox.

Educator. That's right, it's a little fox - little sister (the fox appears).

Fox. Hello, I'm Lisa Patrikeevna. I need your help: - I had a hut, but in the spring it melted, in the summer I somehow got by, it was warm, but autumn is coming, it will soon be cold, but I don’t have a hut.

Educator. From what fairy tale did the fox come to us?

Children. From the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut.”

Educator. Why did the fox's house melt? What was it made of?

Children. The fox's house was made of ice, so it began to melt with the onset of spring.

Fox. Don't think, I'm not going to kick the bunny out of his house. He is my friend and promised to help me build a new, beautiful and big house. But I don’t know what material to use to make it strong and reliable...

Educator. Chanterelle, you did the right thing by contacting us for the show. We will definitely help you, right, guys?

Children. Is it true.

Fox. I heard that three little pigs live in our fairy-tale world. They say they build beautiful houses from various materials.

Educator. Yes, indeed, there is such a wonderful fairy tale about the three little pigs. I took it with me to the show. Now we will see what kind of piglets are builders. Just Fox, remember: beauty is not the main thing in construction. Guys, tell Chanterelle what houses should be like.

Children. Strong, durable, reliable.

Educator. That's right, well done! Let's take a short journey through the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”. Take a look, here is the first house I built for myself Nif - Nif. What is it made of?

Children. Made from straw.

Educator. Do you think straw is suitable for building a fox's house? Why?

Children. No, straw is brittle and fragile.

Educator. That’s right, straw is a fragile material, and we’ll see this now. One child breaks it, the other blows it. So when the wolf blew on the house Nif - Nifa, he scattered in different directions. But the second little pig built himself this house -Nuf – Nuf (sets the next picture).

Fox. Who can tell me what material it is made of?

Children. From twigs, twigs.

Educator. Are twigs and twigs durable material?

Children. No.

Educator. Let's make sure of this. (One child breaks twigs, bends twigs, the other blows on them). Can this material be used for construction? Why? (Children's answers).

Educator. Guys, maybe you can tell me whose house this is?(Exhibits a picture of the house Naf - Naf).What can you tell the fox about him? What is it made of? Invites children to touch the pebbles and test their strength. What kind of house did Naf-Naf get?

Children. Durable and reliable.

Educator. Right. Naf – Naf turned out to be the smartest, so his house turned out to be reliable and strong. This is such a fascinating and educational fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”!

Fox. Now I found out what kind of builders the three little pigs are. Is it possible to find out what building material people use to build their houses?

(The didactic game “Select building material” is played).

Educator. Of course you can. People have long learned to build a wide variety of houses from various building materials. Let's show it to the fox. I have pictures of houses. Your task is to say what each house is made of and choose a picture depicting this building material. Children select pictures, call them - this house is made of bricks, this is made of logs, etc.

Educator. Now, guys, look, this is a panel house, it is built from concrete slabs. This is a new word for you. Let's say: concrete, concrete (children repeat). What kind of houses are made from these building materials?

Children. Strong, reliable.

I think you, fox, will be interested to know how this and other building materials are made. But first, I want to tell you what local residents used to build their houses in Kuban long ago. At that time, bricks and concrete could not be used everywhere, and people made adobe with their own hands from clay and straw and built warm, cozy houses, the roofs of such houses were made of reeds. But time has passed and now modern houses are built from stronger and more reliable building materials, such houses are not only beautiful, but also strong, reliable, they are not afraid of rain, wind, or earthquake. Now you guys and I will go to an impromptu construction site to make concrete and adobe ourselves, and then compare them in terms of strength.

Children come to the table and look at the materials,they name, what they already know, they describe: sand - loose, crushed stone - like pebbles, clay, straw, etc. mix everything together and prepare concrete and adobe, lay it out in molds. Then the ready-made cement and adobe blocks are compared.

Educator. For concrete to become strong (and adobe too), it needs time to harden. Nowadays, concrete is made at a concrete plant and then brought to the construction site. While everything freezes, the game is played “ Name which one”

Educator. I have a small concrete slab of concrete in my hands, we will pass it from hand to hand and name the properties of concrete (hard, durable, high-quality, reliable, strong, cold, heavy, etc.

(children sit down in their seats).

Fox. Well done! Many properties of concrete have been named, now I know what material a house needs to be built from in order for it to be reliable and durable.

Educator. To build a real house, many craftsmen must work hard. And we’ll remember which ones now.

Growing floor by floor,

And with every passing hour,

Every day

Higher and higher is the new house.


With an axe, a plane

Planes the planks

Will make window sills

Without a hitch.

(A carpenter)

Paint splashes on the wall,

The sun is shining in the window.

The walls turned blue

Like the sky above.


Educator. Guys, what other construction specialties do you know? A concrete worker lays the foundation for a house, a crane operator lifts the bricks up on a crane, a plasterer finishes the walls and ceilings, and a painter paints them. All these professions are needed to build strong, reliable houses.

Educator. Here in our village there are a lot of beautiful modern buildings that were built by builders, maybe even someone’s mothers and fathers.

Fox. Thank you guys, now I know what a necessary and important profession it is - a builder. And thank you for your help.

So, guys, today we learned about what houses are built from, helped the little fox and learned about the profession of a builder. This concludes our program. See you again!

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for children of the senior group “How all living things grow”

Kiseleva Evdokia Ivanovna, teacher of the MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 4", Liski, Voronezh region.
Description. I offer you a summary of the direct educational activity “How all living things grow.” This material is aimed at introducing children to the stages of growth and development of living organisms through experience. This summary will be very useful for teachers working with children of senior preschool age. I hope that many teachers will enjoy the lesson and will help introduce children to the development of all living things.
Integration: Cognitive - research activities, speech development, communicative development.
Target: Introduce children to the stages of growth of humans, animals and plants through experimentation.
1. To develop children’s interest in their surroundings through experimentation.
2. Introduce children to the characteristic stages of development of living organisms.
3. Bring children to the conclusion that the growth of living objects requires the same thing: water, light, air, food, care and love of others.
4. Cultivate interest in the surrounding reality.
Technologies, methods and techniques: use of diagrams - models, psycho-gymnastics, creation of problem-search situations, playful, visual, practical activities, questions for children
Materials and equipment: photos of children, diagrams - pictures, beans in a jar, a box of soil.

Progress of joint activities

Children look at photographs of small children.
Educator. Guys, tell me who you see in the photo?
Children. We see little children who look like us when we were little.
Educator. Are you like them now?
Children: Similar, but not quite.
Educator. How have you changed?
Children: We have grown up, become healthier, more beautiful.
Educator. What has changed in you?
Children: They became taller, their hair grew longer, their eyes changed.

Educator. What were you like when you were little?
Children: Funny, funny, clumsy.
Educator. How do these babies make you feel?
Children: You want to pet them, play with them, hold them in your arms, kiss them.
Educator. Tell me, who cares about you? What did you need to grow up?
Children: Our parents and grandparents take care of us. They feed us, walk with us, bathe us, we sunbathe together in the summer, treat illnesses, feel sorry for us, kiss us, speak kind words.
Educator. Yes, you needed food, water, air, warmth, the love of your loved ones. Now, guys, let's see how a person grows.
Look at the diagram that shows what you were, what you are, and what you will be.

Infant - preschooler - teenager - uncle, aunt
Educator. Which one of you has a cat or a dog at home? What does it take for a kitten to grow into a big beautiful cat?
Children: You need to feed them properly, give them meat, fish, milk. Walk in the fresh air, take care, play.
Educator. Look at the diagram:

Blind kitten - kitten playing - adult cat
Now guess the riddle:
He gets up at dawn, sings in the yard,
There is a comb on the head, who is it? (Cockerel)

Have you seen who the cockerel was before he became an adult rooster? That's right - chicken. Let's lay out the diagram:

Chicken in a shell - teenage chicken - adult rooster

What did a chicken need to become a rooster?
Children: Grains, sunshine, so that the mother chicken protects him and loves him.
(The game “Hen and Chicks” is played)
Educator. I have something in a magic jar. Can you tell by the sound what it is? (Children express their thoughts)
- Let’s determine it by touch, close your eyes, I’ll give it to everyone in their hand, and you tell me what it is.
Children: It is smooth, hard, small, oval.
Educator. Look what's in your hand. Yes, it's beans. What needs to be done to make the grain alive?
Children: You need a lot of light, warmth, moisture, you need rain, dampness.
Educator. And what will happen to him?
Children: The grain will sprout, swell, come to life.
Psycho-gymnastics “Grain”
Imagine that you are a small seed. You are lying deep in the ground and you are very lonely. So you felt that the earth had become warm, and you wanted to see where the light and warmth were coming from. You reached up, and suddenly the ground parted, and your sprout was free. Warm rays touched your thin and still very weak stem, the breeze swayed you, now in one direction, then in the other, you wanted to spread out your young green leaves.
The sun gently grabbed you by the leaves and pulled you up. You began to grow. You become stronger, stronger, higher. Suddenly it began to rain and warm, large drops of rain began to flow down your leaves, stem, bud. You began to drink rainwater and grow, grow, grow.
The moisture nourished your bud, and it began to open, turning into a beautiful flower. You realized that you are growing, you are living, you are happy that you are breathing fresh air, drinking clean rainwater and basking in the rays of the golden sun...
- Well, guys, did you like being a grain? What helped you break through the ground and turn into a beautiful plant?
Children: It's rain, heat, sun, moisture.
Educator. U We have bean seeds in a jar, let's plant them in the ground and take care of them. (Children plant seeds).
Summing up.
- We planted grains - beans, and when the sprouts appear, we will watch their growth and development.
(Children look at the development diagram of beans)

Grain - sprout - with leaves - with flowers - with a pod.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, musical and artistic, educational and research, perception of fiction.

Goals: generalize and systematize ideas about various types of human housing. Expand children's understanding of parts of the house; different construction professions and their professional activities: architect, mason, carpenter, painter, tiler; talk about the national characteristics of housing construction in different countries and here in Ossetia; consider the design features of houses depending on natural conditions; cultivate a culture of communication.

Planned results:knows different types of housing, is able to share with the teacher and other children various impressions about a person’s home, knows and names parts of the house, construction professions, the ability to express one’s opinion culturally, coordinate one’s actions with partners, expresses one’s opinion culturally, coordinates one’s actions with partners.

Materials and equipment: demonstration paintings “Who works at a construction site”; pictures depicting homes in different countries, a model of a wooden hut, a set of items for the game “What is necessary for the work of an architect,” d.i. “Fold the pattern” (Nikitin)

1.Organizational moment

Finger gymnastics “Home”

The house stands with a chimney and a roof

I went out to the balcony for a walk

2. Creation of problematic situations (A model of a Russian hut without a roof is brought in - unfinished construction, it is impossible for residents to move into a new house).

3. Conversation on the topic:

Who builds houses? (builders)

What are houses made of? (Made of bricks, slabs, wood, clay).

Remember, people, what professions work in construction? (architect, mason, crane operator, plumber, electrician, etc.)

What parts does each house consist of? (Foundation, walls, windows, doors, balconies, floors, entrance, steps (or stairs), roof, porch)

What is the name of the place where houses are built in one line?

Where are tall houses built, where are low ones?

4. Physical exercise “Toy construction”

We received gifts (children pretend to put items out of a box)

Brick, bars, arches

From the box we take,

We are building a beautiful house.

We build quickly, we build quickly, (Children sit on the cards, gradually straightening up, and

Without cement, without mortar, then standing on your toes. It’s like laying bricks with your hands).

The house is growing higher and higher,

There is a cornice, a chimney and a roof.

5. Teacher’s story (presentation) and completion of creative tasks “Time Travel” - “What houses did our ancestors live in”

6. Work in groups Creating a house project.

Assignment for teams: choose from the offered items necessary for the work of architects. Assignment for the first team: create a project for a multi-story building; for the second, a project for a residential apartment, providing all the necessary premises (using a paper constructor)

7.Work in pairs. DI. “Tell me the name of the dwelling, and what kind of people live in it?

(pictures provided)

8.D.I. “Repeat the ornament” - imitating the professional actions of a painter and another subgroup “Fold the pattern” - imitating laying out tiles

9. Reflection

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

technological map of GCD in the educational field "Cognitive Development" section of FEMP in the senior group

Technological GCD FEMP in the senior group on the topic "Temporary Matryoshka". Goal: formation of temporary ideas, expansion of children’s understanding of the week, day, hour, minute, second of their characteristic...

Presentation, experimentation, low-mobility play, appliqué....

Subject: Rules for life

Target: consolidate knowledge about the basic rules by which people live; give the idea that the main thing is not to know the rules, but to follow them; teach to be honest and courageous, to be able to admit your ugly actions, so as not to repeat them in the future; to form the highest moral qualities of the individual: kindness, honesty, courage, resistance to temptation, a critical attitude towards one’s self, the ability to independently improve the traits of one’s childhood character.

Progress of the lesson

You will soon leave kindergarten and go to school, but your friends, toys will remain in your memory for a long time, you will remember how we raised you, taught you the rules by which to live.

What rules do you remember? (children's answers)

To help you remember them better, let's hang the wonderful leaves with the rules on the tree and read them out loud together. (The teacher and the children hang up the leaves.)


Be generous!

Be thrifty!

Be hardworking!

Be careful!

Love animals and plants!

Be curious and observant!

Help the little and the weak!

Respect adults!

Don't offend people!

Be polite and hospitable!

Be brave!

Be honest!

Listen to your elders!

This is an extraordinary oak tree. This is the oak of wisdom. Look at it carefully again and remember these rules for the rest of your life.

Whoever remembers will be smart, and whoever remembers and follows through will be wise.

We need rules not only in kindergarten, but they will be useful to you at school, at college, when you are adults. When you become mothers and fathers yourself, you will teach these rules to your children.

Guys, were there any cases in your life when you knew these rules, but did not follow them?

Have you ever done something bad, knowing in advance that it was bad?

And then you were ashamed?

Who will be brave enough to tell everyone some incident from their life? (children's stories from personal experience)

What a great fellow you are for not being afraid to admit it out loud; this requires courageous character.

Now find a comfortable place and get ready for psycho-gymnastics.

Psycho-gymnastics “Come out into the light”

Imagine that you are in a cold dungeon. It's hard for you to breathe, you don't have enough air. The dungeon is lonely and uncomfortable. You want to get out of here quickly. But there is no progress ahead. You are walking through a long tunnel with no end in sight. And suddenly some light flashed in the distance. This ray of sun penetrated the heavy underground. You quickly ran, scattered stones, and suddenly a bright, radiant sun poured its light on you. The warm wind began to ruffle your hair. You breathed in the fresh air, your chest filled with joy. And you felt free and happy.

Guys, what did you feel in the dark dungeon? (children's answers)

Any person experiences such feelings when he cheats, when he commits bad deeds. His soul is just as dark, uncomfortable, and scary.

What feelings did you experience when you came out into the world? (children's answers)

Such feelings are experienced by a person when he lives according to the wise laws of life. Joy, relief, peace lives in his soul when he admits his mistakes.

Now you will hear an excerpt from O. Wilde’s fairy tale “The Boy Star”.

I excerpt

One day, in the cold of winter, two lumberjacks saw a bright star fall from the sky. In the folds of the cloak they found not a star, but a small child. One of the woodcutters took the child and, despite poverty and hunger, brought him to his house. The boy grew up very handsome, but angry, proud and cruel. One day, when a woman came to their village, he threw stones at her and did not want to believe that the beggar woman was his mother.

(The teacher demonstrates the drawings.)

Who liked the boy star? Why?

Who liked the beggar woman?

Give your hearts to the hero you like.

(Children give paper pink hearts to the heroes of the fairy tale.)

(The teacher silently analyzes the situation, looks at which children gave their hearts to which hero. Then puts out two vases with sweets and pieces of bread.)

Guys, the heroes of the fairy tale also want to give you gifts. Take for yourself the gift you want, but only from the hero you really like. The star boy treats you to sweets. And the poor beggar woman has no money, but she wants to treat you with bread.

(Children take a gift for themselves, the teacher analyzes the situation and concludes whether the children’s opinions coincided when they gave a heart to someone they liked and when they took a gift from someone they liked. The situation may be different. If all the children made their choice in the first and second cases are the same, then they did not bend their hearts, but they can also bend their hearts, which is why there are different options for the subsequent conversation.)

1 option

Guys, you gave your hearts to a beggar, but why did you decide to take candy from the cruel boy star? It’s clear, you are still children and you really want sweets, it’s hard not to give in to temptation. But you still need to learn to endure and not give in, to maintain sincere feelings.

Option 2

You guys are great! After all, candy tastes better than bread, but you all chose the beggar’s bread and acted honestly, did not bend your heart, you have willpower.

(Reading the second passage of O. Wilde’s fairy tale “The Star Boy.”)

II excerpt

But after the beggar mother left the village, the star boy suddenly turned into a monster. Then he realized that he had acted badly, and for three years he searched the world for his mother... He experienced many misadventures until he became beautiful again. He met a beggar woman and apologized to her. Suddenly the beggar woman turned into a queen. And soon the boy star became the ruler of the city. He was fair and kind to orphans, the poor and the sick.

Guys, do you like the boy star now? (children's answers) We had a condition that you can take a gift from someone you really like. Now, if you want, take some candy from the star boy.

(Children help themselves.)

Guys, you are still preschoolers and you still need to learn to do the right thing. Saying words is easy, but doing deeds is difficult. But you have sensitive, honest, kind hearts. And try to keep the wise rules of life with you forever. And then you will be good people.

Program content: consolidate children’s knowledge about housing, its purpose, use, differences in the maintenance of housing, where people live and where animals live; replenishment of children's vocabulary.

Material: magnetic board, illustrations depicting natural phenomena, a girl, a house, a tree, a pond, a home.

Compiled by: Yasnitskaya Natalya Vladimirovna

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, now I’ll tell you an interesting story that happened to the girl Olya and her forest friends. (the story is accompanied by the display of relevant illustrations). A girl named Olya lived in a beautiful house. The house stood not far from a beautiful clearing, and in the clearing there grew a large beautiful tree, and next to the clearing there was a lake.

Olya often came to play in the clearing, and many birds flocked to her, foxes, bunnies watched her from behind the bushes, even a bear once wandered in. So today Olya decided to play in the clearing. The sun was shining, it was a nice, bright day. (children add their own definitions). But then the wind blew, clouds appeared, thunder roared, and it began to rain. It became dark, everyone rushed to hide in their houses. But it was so dark, it was raining so hard that everyone was confused and could not get into their houses. Let's help Ole and her friends.

Game "Who Lives Where"

(The teacher lays out illustrations on the table depicting a girl, a house, a tree, a pond, animals and asks the children to sort everyone into houses: who lives where)

Educator: Who do you think can live in a tree? (birds) What is the name of the house where the birds live? How do birds make nests, and from what? (children's answers) Children, can a tree shelter someone else? (yes, there can be a hollow in a tree, a squirrel or woodpecker can live in it). And who can live nearby, under the tree? (ants, hedgehogs, bunnies).

A conversation is held with children about the homes of insects and animals.

Educator: This is what a tree turns out to be, how many animals it shelters. Yes, but we still have ducks, a frog, where should we put them? (children's answers). That's how great we helped everyone! You're tired, let's take a rest.

Physical exercise “Let’s get together to warm up”

We stood up together to warm up

And bend the back back.

One-two, one-two, one-two-three,

Don't fall, look.

(children lean back, resting their palms on their lower backs for safety)

We lean forward.

Who reaches the floor?

This difficult work

We also do it by count.

(bending forward)


At the edge of the forest,

High on the bitch

In the morning the cuckoo sings:


A river runs below

Along the yellow sand

The cuckoo sings loudly:


Look, it seems like the sun has appeared! But Olya remained standing under the tree. Where should we put her? Where did she live? (children's answers)

(The teacher asks the children what Olya’s house should be like, what should be in it, what the houses are built from).

Educator: Guys, remember what we call where our friends live. Let's learn L. Leonov's poem "Who lives where."

In winter the bear sleeps in its den,

A sparrow sits under the roof.

The red fox is in the hole,

A bug in a warm kennel,

There is a wolf in the lair,

A hare is trembling under a bush,

The squirrel hid in a hollow,

A hedgehog sleeps in dry grass.

Lesson summary.