Child development 1 month Development of a newborn child in the first month of life. Exercises for the physical development of the baby

The first month of your baby’s life has ended - the most difficult month immediately after birth. Now the baby is 1 month old and begins to actively explore the world around him. He is still very small and still sleeps almost all the time, but his attention to the outside world has increased significantly. Being close to his mother, he smells her, which gives him a feeling of peace and security.

What can a 1 month old baby do?

  • He briefly focuses his attention on the face bent towards him.
  • Follows with his eyes smoothly moving objects, briefly lingers on stationary objects.
  • Distinguishes sounds, recognizes mother's voice, her smell.
  • Distinguishes colors. Moreover, what is important for a 1-month-old baby is not so much the color of the toy, but rather the brightness and contrast with surrounding objects.
  • Lying on his stomach, he tries to raise his head.
  • He makes small movements with his arms and legs, and at times tries to make sounds in time with the adult talking to him.

Of all the senses at this age, the most developed are smell, touch and taste. The child has been growing and developing quite actively for 1 month, now he is gradually beginning to pay his attention to his surroundings, especially to his mother. He feels touch, her smell, the taste of milk, which, by the way, changes depending on what mom ate. Vision is not yet very good, all children at this age are myopic, so the objects that you want to show them should be located at a distance of no more than half a meter. The same applies to mom’s face - he can confidently see it only up close.

The baby consciously begins to smile only in the second month, but already now you can see his first smiles. He opens his eyes and looks at the world around him. Emotions appear: joy during feeding, bathing, and loud crying in response to pain, hunger, cold or discomfort - in this way the baby lets his mother know that he needs something.

Baby's sleep at 1 month up to 18 hours a day, a daily routine gradually begins to form. It is advisable that the baby wakes up at the same time and eats at the same time.

Development in 1 month

By the beginning of the first month, significant changes occur in the child’s appearance. The puffiness characteristic of a newborn gradually disappears, and the face acquires certain features. Now we can say who he looks more like - mom or dad. Although this “similarity” will change several times over time.

A typical posture for newborns, when the baby looks like an embryo curled up in the mother’s tummy (the so-called hypertonicity), gradually relaxes, at times the fists unclench, and the child begins to actively move his arms and legs.

If during the first month of life there were no problems with the umbilical wound, it should already have healed and the most ordinary, beautiful navel flaunts on the stomach.

Children at this age are not able to hold their head, their muscles are still too weak, therefore, when taking the child in her arms, the mother must not forget to hold his head. However, now you can begin to strengthen skeletal muscles - periodically place the baby on his tummy. Watch - once on his tummy, your baby will try to raise his head. He most likely won’t be able to hold her in this position yet, but it will be excellent gymnastics.

Care at 1 month

The first bath should have taken place before the age of 1 month. This is an extremely useful and necessary procedure. If your baby's belly button is fine, you can't neglect it. A one-month-old baby should be bathed at least 2 times a week. In addition to cleanliness, bathing a 1 month old baby necessary to stimulate the body’s tone, which helps to quickly relieve muscle hypertonicity.

Important for normal development at this age maintain hygiene: wash your little one every morning, clean the nose, ears, between the toes, trim nails, clean the skin after each diaper change with wet wipes or wash the perineum under running warm water (about 37°C). The room where the baby is located must be clean, dry, and well ventilated. In order not to leave the child in a draft, he can be moved to another room for ventilation.

Don't forget about walks! At this age, you should spend at least 2 hours outdoors during the day.


If there are no health contraindications, it is already possible to massage one-month-old babies. This will have a beneficial effect on muscle tone; moreover, thanks to systematized tactile sensations, connections are formed in the baby’s brain that contribute to its harmonious physical and mental development. At first, these should be light, stroking movements, and it is better if the first massage is done by an experienced specialist who will teach the parents the correct actions.

Here is a good massage for a 1 month old baby: lightly pat the baby’s feet, saying:

Kikuyu leg,
To the right a little, ( light slap with your palm on the right heel)
Left a little, ( light slap on the left heel)
I strike well!

Find good, calm music and play it for your baby. It can be classical or modern music that suits the situation, but it must be peaceful and positive. It’s a good idea to play a quiet, soothing melody as an additional sedative before bed. There are many special music selections for children of all ages; finding one suitable for a month-old baby will not be difficult.

This month you will have your first visit to the doctor. If up to a month a pediatrician or a visiting nurse came to your home, then starting from the age of one month, the parents themselves bring the children. For this purpose, clinics have a healthy child day, when only healthy babies come. Find out this day in advance so as not to come when there will be a lot of coughing and sneezing children of all ages around.


Breastfeeding is best for a one-month-old baby. Mother's milk is well absorbed and contains not only all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but also mother's antibodies that protect against diseases. If you think that you do not have enough milk, do not rush to switch to artificial formula. A temporary decrease in a woman's milk supply can occur several times during the first six months of lactation. Consult your pediatrician; perhaps special teas for nursing mothers, other harmless medications, or even just a change in your own diet will help you.

Just recently there was a belly,
Ultrasound, tests, kicks,
And now he’s been living for a month
Wonderful, sweet angel.

Let it be full every day
Important and wonderful discoveries.
And we are not too lazy to be surprised,
There are so many interesting things!

There's no one more important now
You are the center of mom and dad's world.
Grow up, kitten, quickly,
To the joy of all the happiest!

Congratulations on your first little date, on the first month of your baby’s life! I wish that there were as few whims and screams as possible, that there were as many positive emotions and good nights as possible. Let the baby grow up as a healthy, happy little person, surrounded by parental love and care!

A whole month for your baby -
Growing up little by little
Gives happiness to mom and dad.
We know you are very happy.

Let the baby grow
And he knows everything around him,
He sleeps and eats sweetly,
Listens to mom and dad!

First holiday, first month,
The first date is yours,
The world around is so interesting
Waiting only for you.

Don't let your tummy bother you
Let your dreams be magical
May the angel help you
And will fulfill all your dreams.

Congratulations to your little happiness on the first month of life. We wish the little one strength, health, good luck, fun games during the day, fabulous sweet dreams at night, great success in his first achievements, a serene childhood and a happy destiny.

Congratulations on your first month of life! I wish you good sleep, excellent appetite and good mood. Let the first little holiday be the beginning of a wonderful journey full of discoveries and adventures. Happiness, good health and love!

Growing up little by little
A small miracle, baby.
We are celebrating the first month
Congratulations to the little one.

We wish you not to get sick,
Eat a lot, look good,
Sleep sweetly and develop,
Smile a lot.

Today is exactly one month
It has been fulfilled since the day
When the stork brought you
A lovely child.

We wish you light, smooth
Dear you on your way,
So that together with your child
You could have passed them.

May every step of yours be
And bright and happy,
And very interesting
And fabulously beautiful!

Congratulations on your first date,
We wish mommy happiness.
Let there be plenty of milk
For a golden child.

A month is a small date
Month of pot-bellied joy.
Smile, eat, laugh
And bask in family love.

The first month has flown by
The baby managed to grow up,
And during these days and nights
Your cheeks are rounded.
Hands and legs have become stronger
Our beloved baby.
Happy birthday,
We wish you to be healthy.
Eat, sleep and grow up,
Fill our house with happiness.

It seems that the first month after the birth of a baby lasts forever. Still would! Your whole life changes radically. If earlier a mother could easily leave the house, go shopping, or visit a friend, now she is mainly busy with one thing: caring for her precious little one.

It’s not just parents who are getting used to their new life. For a child, the first month is also a kind of adaptation to a new world, new conditions of existence. However, by the 28-day mark on the calendar after birth, your baby moves from the category of “newborn” to the honorary title of “infant,” which will remain with him for up to a year. And even this says a lot about the development of the baby. The baby has acquired certain skills, and a new period in his life begins. So, your baby is 1 month old, what changes?

Physical indicators

The child grows and develops at incredible speed. During the first month, the toddler's weight gain will be about 800-900 grams, and his height will increase by 3 centimeters. So don't buy too many baby items, especially if you're due in the summer.

It may happen that the weight gain in a month is 600 grams. This is not critical, because lactation is developing, the body “works” a lot to rebuild the circulatory system, start the kidneys, digestion, etc. to function fully. Therefore, by the time you are discharged from the maternity hospital, the weight will be less than at birth. However, rapid weight loss should not be allowed during the first month. If this happens, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

The “strong grip” is explained by the presence of protective reflexes that accompany the baby from birth

About reflexes

Often, the baby's behavior and movements are controlled by innate reflexes. They are used to judge the development of the nervous system, because each has its own time of appearance and extinction. By the end of the first month, most reflexes are still present and can be clearly demonstrated:

  1. Place your finger in the baby’s palm: he will tightly clench his fist and hold on to it (grasping reflex).
  2. Touch his cheek with your hand - he will immediately turn his head in search of the “stimulus” (search reflex).
  3. Place your finger near the mouth - the baby will immediately begin to smack, as if sucking something (sucking reflex).
  4. Try to put the baby on his feet, holding his armpits, and sort of walk with him - surprisingly, the little one walks as if he always knew how to do this (automatic gait reflex).
  5. Place the baby on his stomach - he will immediately turn his head to the side (protective reflex).
  6. Slam the table with your palm near the lying toddler - he will sharply spread his arms and legs to the sides (Moro reflex).

Sleeping like a baby

In the first month, babies sleep 18-20 hours a day. The first week after birth is characterized by sound, restful sleep. However, you should not expect your baby to sleep for 3 hours without a break. Modern children, starting from the second week, sleep during the day for an hour, maximum one and a half. Then they wake up to refresh themselves. The daily routine has yet to be established.

When awake, the baby spends all the time lying on his back, the pose resembles a frog: the arms are bent at the elbows and raised, the legs are spread apart and also bent. This is explained by physiological hypertonicity. The child has been in the fetal position for a long time, and now he needs time to relax.

The room where a newborn sleeps should be cozy, draft-free, but at the same time well ventilated. Since your baby's thermoregulation is just being adjusted, make sure he doesn't overheat. How to check whether a baby is hot or not? Touch the back of your head and neck with your palm. If they are wet, feel free to remove a “layer” of clothing. Remember: overheating is more dangerous than hypothermia.

A newborn's hearing is not particularly sensitive at first, so it is not at all necessary to accustom the child to complete silence. You can talk in a low voice in the room.

The healthiest sleep is lying on your back or side. To avoid deformation of the head, do not allow it to be turned in one direction all the time. Pediatricians say that children under one year old do not need a pillow; it can even cause harm. Sometimes there are cases of suffocation of a child sleeping on his stomach with his nose buried in a pillow. In addition, a flat, hard surface helps shape the curves of the spine properly.

Should I swaddle my baby for a restful sleep? At your discretion. Many parents note that children then sleep more soundly and do not wake themselves up with sudden movements of their hands. Just give preference to loose swaddling, as tight swaddling can contribute to the development of hip dysplasia. While awake, give your baby complete freedom of movement.

The room where the baby sleeps should be comfortable and have enough fresh air.

A one-month-old baby's sleep may be accompanied by sneezing and sudden movements resembling shuddering. This is absolutely normal for this period, provided that there are no obvious signs of the disease.

Vision and hearing at 1 month

All newborns are myopic. They don’t even see mom’s face very clearly. But they like to look at people bending over the crib more than inanimate objects. By the middle of the first month, the baby is able to fix his gaze on a bright object that is in motion.

During the first month, the eyes may squint slightly, which is not a cause for concern, because the visual system is also being adjusted, and the muscles of the eyeball should strengthen. But if the strabismus does not go away by the third month, you need to see a doctor.

Hearing in newborns is also underdeveloped, but by the end of the first month the baby will catch up. The baby really likes his native voices, familiar to him from the womb. By the way, babies prefer high-pitched conversations more than low-pitched ones. Closer to a month, the baby reacts not only to sharp sounds, but also listens to the ticking of the clock, the sound of water, and car signals. Hearing a voice, he turns his head in the direction of its sound.

But the sense of smell in babies is very well developed. They easily find the breast and grab the nipple by the smell of milk; they recognize their mother by the smell. Therefore, it is not recommended to use perfume: the child may not recognize his loved one.

Nutritional Features

Without a doubt, the best food for newborns is breast milk. And although there is only one product on the menu so far, milk strengthens children’s immunity, provides the baby with all the necessary microelements and, moreover, is “cheap”. Therefore, the mother needs to strive with all her might to maintain and maintain lactation.

We can talk endlessly about breastfeeding. We have devoted separate articles to many questions on the website. There are two feeding methods: on demand and by the clock. However, when nutrition is just getting better, pediatricians tend to feed on demand, but not more often than after 1.5-2 hours. Over time, the interval will increase.


By the middle of the first month, many infants experience painful colic along with bloating and intestinal cramps. Behavior becomes restless. It is still not completely clear why colic occurs. It is recommended to give the baby a tummy massage, apply heat, and give simethicone-based drops. By about three months, colic goes away.

Colic becomes a real test for the whole family, but do not forget: it is temporary


Due to underdeveloped muscles of the digestive organs and swallowing air, a newborn may burp frequently in the first month of life. In general, this phenomenon is also normal and physiological for this age, but you can try to minimize it. To do this, after each feeding, carry the baby in a column until the swallowed air leaves; make sure you are latching your baby to the breast correctly; Before feedings, place the baby on his tummy.

Going to the doctors

When you reach your first month, plan your first trip to the pediatrician. At the appointment, they will measure your height and weight, head circumference, listen to your heart beat, feel your tummy, and examine your throat. The doctor will answer all your questions about breastfeeding.

An important factor in health research is newborn ultrasound. A safe ultrasound scan will allow you to assess whether hip dysplasia is developing (ultrasound of the hip joints), whether intracerebral circulation is normal (sonography - ultrasound of the brain), how the internal organs work (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity).

It makes sense to carry out such examinations as early as possible, because diseases identified at the initial stages are treated easier and faster. Every month they usually donate blood for biochemistry, as well as urine and stool tests. At the same time, a surgeon, an orthopedist and a neurologist are scheduled.

If the baby is healthy, a second vaccination against hepatitis B is given (the first was in the maternity hospital). Then comes a series of vaccinations against whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, and tetanus with an interval of at least 30 days. Therefore, you will have to visit the clinic regularly over the next 12 months.

Baby care

Care includes daily hygiene procedures and walks in the air. In the second week of life, as a rule, the umbilical cord residue falls off, but the wound still needs to be treated with brilliant green for some time.

If the umbilical ring is oozing, swollen, or leaking pus, consult a doctor. You should also consult if the scab from the wound has not fallen off after two weeks.

Observe that there is no protrusion in the navel, groin and scrotum area when crying or straining. An umbilical or inguinal hernia often appears due to underdeveloped muscles and tension when screaming.

You have probably already noticed 2 fontanelles on your baby’s head: frontal and parietal. These places are especially vulnerable because they are not covered by the bones of the skull, but do not be afraid to gently wash them. They also need to be looked after.

It is advisable to carry out water procedures daily. Remember that girls are washed from front to back to prevent infection from getting into the genitals. In boys, the head of the penis is still covered by the foreskin, which is an absolutely physiological phenomenon. Rinse the penis as much as circumstances allow, but do not overdo it. Caring for it should be without unnecessary “interventions”.

Mental development

While the baby’s actions are aimed at satisfying his physical needs, he also needs emotional communication. The main way of expressing feelings is crying. Parents quickly learn to recognize what the baby is trying to say with his crying: he is hungry, wants to sleep, has a tummy ache, or simply requires attention to himself.

Let your baby “bathe” in love and affection

By the end of the first month, many children enjoy their first conscious smile. It arises in response to the mother’s tender treatment and gives unforgettable emotions. In a one-month-old baby, you can develop facial movements by bending over him while awake and communicating. Over time, a certain variety of sounds appears: snorting, peculiar squeaks, vaguely reminiscent of humming.

Normal mental development involves frequently carrying a baby in your arms. Don't be afraid to spoil him. He has every right to the warmth and affection of his mother. Skin-to-skin contact plays an important role in the first month of life.

How to play with a baby

It seems that it is difficult to communicate with a child who is constantly lying down and cannot speak. But if the initiative comes from you now, the foundation is laid for a trusting relationship in the future. What to do with a one month old baby?

  • Place a mobile with toys and pleasant music above the crib at a level of 60-70 cm from the face.
  • Sing lullabies to the baby, investing your feelings.
  • Make a face (wink, stick out your tongue, curl your lips) - your baby will want to repeat all this very soon.
  • Play classical music (Strauss, Vivaldi) quietly.
  • Talk to your baby, telling him how your day went, something about dad, grandma, grandpa, etc. The tone of your voice matters: let it be calm.

The little imitator copies everything he can.

What about exercise?

Exercises to strengthen muscles are no less important than feeding and walking in the fresh air. The massage is done 30 minutes after feeding, if the child is in a good mood. So:

  • stroke the entire body: from the chest to the shoulders, from the foot to the boot;
  • You can massage your fingers and toes; knead your foot, drawing figure eights with your finger;
  • in a supine position, place your index fingers in the baby's arms - he will immediately grab them; then the hands are lightly spread to the sides and, as it were, shaken;
  • during the massage, talk to the baby, showing in your tone of voice that the procedure is necessary and pleasant;
  • exercise comes down to flexion and extension of the limbs; Gymnastics classes in the first month last no more than 10 minutes.

Summarize. Your child has achieved tremendous results in a month. He studies hard and remembers everything he sees. With each subsequent month he will delight you with his successes. Don’t forget to praise him and enjoy new achievements with him. Enjoy motherhood!

Features of the first month of a newborn’s life are that the child sleeps most of the day, waking up for feeding and reporting possible discomfort– too high or low temperature, full diaper.

The period of wakefulness gradually increases. This time is necessary for the child’s body to adjust and smoothly adapt to changes in the world around him, as well as for parents to recuperate and adapt to changes in life.

Important: The characteristics of the first month of a child’s life are designed for babies who were born on time.

The first way a baby interacts with others is cry. The baby uses it for various reasons - hunger, discomfort in the stomach, discomfort due to wet diapers. A short loud cry is necessary for a child - it stimulates the production of the necessary stress hormone, develops the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and triggers the activation of certain processes in the cerebral cortex.

Long-term stress has a detrimental effect on the baby and provokes the occurrence of pathologies against the background of depletion of the body’s nervous system.

Physical parameters

How much should you weigh, height

At the age of one month, many changes are observed in the physical development of the baby. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the baby should gain 100-900 grams, height by 3 cm, and head circumference by 1.2-1.5 cm.

Baby height and weight calculator

Select the gender and age of the baby to find out what the parameters of your child should be according to WHO standards (World Health Organization)

Low kg

Average kg

High kg

Low cm

Average cm

Tall cm

  1. Plantar – when running a finger along the foot, the baby withdraws the foot.
  2. Sucking – touching the baby’s lips makes him form his lips into a tube.
  3. Grasping - the baby squeezes the finger inserted into his palm into a tight fist.
  4. The search reflex - turning the head when touching or stroking the cheek indicates an instinctive search for a source of nutrition.
  5. Mora - spreading and bringing together the arms and legs with a loud sudden sound.
  6. Babinsky - running a finger along the edge of the foot from the outside, the toes diverge, and the foot turns around.
  7. Babkina - pressing on the palms causes the mouth to open and the head to turn.
  8. The walking reflex is a movement that imitates steps when the baby’s body is in an upright position resting on a hard surface.


The baby's vision improves - he is able to hold a fixed object in the field of vision at a distance of 25-30 cm. Colors are still not recognized, but the child can already distinguish outlines and can follow with his gaze the movement of a bright, large object. At the same time, the gaze is slightly delayed, and the movement of the eyeballs is jerky.

Baby at 1 month there is a reaction to a loud sudden sound in the form of a wince. While lying on his tummy, the baby tries to raise his head, hold it and turn it to the sides and towards the light source.

You can also use black and white pictures to develop vision. They are attached to the crib. In the first month it is better to show simple geometric shapes.

For harmonious physical development necessary:

  1. Periodically change the position of his body - turn him over onto his back, stomach, side. Carry out the manipulations smoothly and carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. If any situation causes a deterioration in mood, it is better to postpone it for the next time.
  2. Carry out eye exercises using a large red object - draw lines and circles in the air. Make movements slowly, at a distance of 30 cm from the child’s eyes, and periodically fix the position. This will prevent vision problems and strengthen the eye muscles.

A child at the age of one month has clear skin of a light pink color, hypertonicity of the arms and legs decreases, periods of wakefulness increase from 10-15 minutes to 1 hour in the intervals between sleep and feeding, it becomes possible to observe the movement of an adult, the ability to distinguish between light and darkness.

Emotional sphere

At the age of 1 month, the baby still does not distinguish faces, but is already capable of some emotional reactions. When the parents appear, the child perks up and makes chaotic movements with its arms and legs.

The baby is able to intuitively determine the mother’s mood. A smile indicates that the child is not worried, hurt or worried. Crying expresses a need for communication or physical discomfort.

For normal emotional development, the baby needs to be given attention and offered games, and be sure to hang a musical toy - a mobile - above the crib. It will develop hearing, coordination and will calm the child. In case of a negative reaction, the toy can be offered later.

Mental condition

Due to the immaturity of the brain, the child experiences some disorientation. The information received is processed in sleep and wakefulness.

The quality of sleep, receiving the necessary communication with parents and a calm atmosphere in the house have a beneficial effect on the mental development of the baby.

Particular attention should be paid to games and tactile contact, which creates a feeling of security and fulfills the need for communication. This is the key to normal mental development in a newborn.

Important: Monotonous, even loud sounds should not cause a 1-month-old child to flinch.

Normal mental development is indicated by the baby’s ability to adjust the position of his body while in the arms of adults, keep his gaze on faces, “coo” and reproduce sounds. Constant conversations with the baby will stimulate the development of the speech apparatus.

Calm, gentle and melodic music, especially classical music, has a beneficial effect on a child’s mental development. Its healing effect is scientifically proven. Just 15-20 minutes a day of music therapy is enough.

The baby's hearing system is already developed enough to introduce games with rattles. They stimulate the processes of memorizing sounds and develop associative thinking.

What should a baby be able to do in the first month?

Every baby is unique, but on average, by the age of one month, babies have an arsenal of skills and abilities:

  • holding the head and lifting it from a prone position;
  • the ability to listen to sounds and search for their source;
  • “humbling” is an emotional response and the foundation for speech development;
  • possessing the necessary set of reflexes;
  • observation of large, bright objects;
  • reaction to sharp sounds - flinching;
  • the ability to recognize parents by voice and smell.


Previously, there was an opinion that feeding a child should be done hourly, following a certain schedule. Now pediatricians are inclined to believe that it is necessary to feed the baby on demand.

Nature has a mechanism that will prevent the baby from overeating - the amount of food is determined instinctively. This promotes good absorption and digestion.

In addition to mother's milk or formula, you can give your baby a spoonful of water if necessary.

These are average figures; in practice, a baby can eat more or less depending on various factors - temperature, well-being.

The average daily dose for children from 10 days of life after birth is about 750-1000 g.

With artificial feeding, there is a risk of overfeeding the baby. To avoid this, it is necessary to feed the child regularly, strictly following the indicated dosages and instructions from the pediatrician.

Sleep pattern: how long to sleep and stay awake

According to physiological standards A 1 month old baby sleeps most of the day – from 16 to 20 hours. The baby’s body uses this period as productively as possible for rapid growth and adaptation of the nervous system.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the child’s sleep schedule is established by the parents - the transition to night sleep is carried out systematically and in coordination with the feeding of the baby. For children under 3 months are considered normal 1-2 nightly meals.

A well-known pediatrician advises not to accustom your child to motion sickness, since he does not see any benefit in them, and to pay sufficient attention to ensuring normal sleep conditions:

  • fresh humidified air;
  • hard surface of the mattress;
  • lack of pillow;
  • air temperature 18-22 °C.

Bathing can become not only a necessary hygienic procedure, but also a ritual that will calm the baby and set him up for a night's sleep.

Daily routine from 0 to month

The daily routine for a baby is completely subordinated to the main natural needs - food and sleep. A well-fed, clean child will sleep as much as his body requires.

It is important for parents to adjust all necessary daily procedures so that they coincide with the child’s biological rhythm. Feeding, bathing, walks, and games must be included in the daily routine.


Hygiene is the basis of a baby’s health. First of all, you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the premises and objects with which the child interacts. The immune system is not yet sufficiently developed, for this reason all pacifiers, toys, and textiles must be kept clean and, if they fall, treated with boiling water or a safe disinfectant.

The room in which the baby is most often located should be well ventilated and the air humidified. Excessive dryness can lead to a number of diseases.

Important: Babies lose water very quickly, and dehydration and overheating are deadly.

Personal hygiene

Daily procedures include: regular diaper changes and washing (using wet wipes is appropriate outside the home), rinsing the nose with saline, and air baths. In the first days of life, it is necessary to carefully treat the umbilical wound with brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide.

A few minutes spent naked on a hard, flat surface will ensure healthy skin and normal physiological development of the baby.

Important: Miramistin is a local disinfectant that is safe for the mucous membranes of children. It can be used for daily hygiene procedures.

Trimming nails and cleaning ears is done as needed.


Physical activity is necessary for a baby from the first days of life. It is better to do gymnastics in the afternoon or morning, about 30 minutes before meals.

To do this, you need to place the baby on a hard surface and alternately bend the arms and legs while lying on your back. In the same position, pull opposite elbows and knees towards each other.

By placing the baby on his stomach, you can place your palms on his feet and stimulate the swimming reflex - the baby will push off from the hand and try to crawl forward. Gymnastics should be completed by pressing the knees to the tummy and a light massage. After feeding, it is appropriate to hold the baby in a column - this position will promote normal digestion of food.


This is a pleasant, relaxing procedure that stimulates the mental and physical development of the baby. The optimal water temperature is 36-40 °C. You can enhance the healing effect with the help of herbs - chamomile, string, lovage and bay leaf.


Dr. Komarovsky recommends doing walks in almost any weather 2-3 times a day. This will strengthen the immune system, and during the waking period the baby will be able to fulfill his needs in the cognitive process, which is necessary for full mental, emotional and social development.

Common problems at 4 weeks and how to solve them

There are a number of problems that arise in most babies. They mainly concern the gastrointestinal tract - regurgitation, gas. These problems arise due to the swallowing of air during feeding - the baby cries and presses his legs to his stomach.

In this case, you can give a light massage - make circular movements around the navel clockwise, and also give special medicines - Dill Water, Espumisan, Bobotik or others.

Important: Before taking medications, consult a pediatrician. To prevent gas and regurgitation, it is important to properly attach the baby to the breast.

In the case of artificial feeding, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the formula and select the composition that is most adapted to breast milk. The most common problems with formula feeding are stomach upsets and allergic reactions.


The appearance of a small plaque on the oral mucosa can be caused by thrush. To eliminate it, you need to thoroughly treat all toys, objects and bottles with boiling water, and also wipe your mouth with a bandage dipped in a non-concentrated solution of baking soda. In this situation, it is imperative to contact a specialist and follow his recommendations.

Irritation on the butt

Babies often suffer from redness and rashes due to the use of unsuitable diapers. In this situation, hygiene products must be changed to others, and the baby must be left without clothes longer. Ointments can significantly alleviate the child’s condition - Bepanten, Sudocrem and other products that are designed for children and promote skin healing.

Important: The delicate skin of a baby needs careful care; for this purpose, you can use natural vegetable oils adapted for children, creams and lotions marked “from 0+”.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a useful video about the development of babies at 1 month:

The first month of a baby’s life is an important and exciting moment for the whole family. This is the period of laying down the most important information about the world around us and getting used to new living conditions. Children are completely dependent on their parents, and therefore it is important to provide comfort and a favorable atmosphere for all family members.

Your baby is one month old! This is the first real date that you can even celebrate! Your baby has achieved significant progress in just one month, and now he is no longer a newborn but a real baby. The breast period lasts from 1 month to a year!

Now there are significant changes in the baby’s appearance, this is especially noticeable in photographs. The swelling and puffiness of the face disappear, it acquires specific features. Now you can figure out who the baby looks like, although this similarity will change several times.

The umbilical wound in most children heals by this age, if there is no inflammation, and a real navel flaunts on the stomach.

The baby's muscles begin to relax, and the cramps gradually disappear. The fists unclench, and the arms, still pressed tightly to the body, are put to work (physiological hypertonicity passes). The baby does not yet know how to handle them, he waves aimlessly and cannot hold a rattle or grab anything.

The baby also does not yet know how to hold his head. Lying on his stomach, he can only lift her for 15-30 seconds. Because of this, while carrying in her arms, the mother should be careful and hold the baby by the back of the head.

What does a 1 month old baby look like?

Emotional development of a child at 1 month

During the second month of a baby’s life, the newborn crisis is replaced by the so-called revival complex. The revitalization complex serves as the boundary of the critical period of the newborn and an indicator of the transition to infancy as a period of stable development. What it is?

At 2–3 weeks, the baby can already focus his gaze on an object, and at 3–4 weeks, he can concentrate while hearing his mother’s voice. In the period from 1 to 2 months, a healthy child exhibits the main phenomenon of the newborn crisis - the revival complex.

Revitalization complex- a special emotional-motor reaction addressed to an adult. Starting with freezing, focusing on the adult’s face and smiling, in the following weeks this reaction acquires a truly comprehensive complex character.

At the end of the first month, the components of the reaction of joyful revival are accompanied by a loud short sigh; at 10–12 weeks it includes a series of deep sighs, throwing up of arms, shuffling legs, joyful squeals, and various vocalizations (humming, screaming). The emergence of a child’s initiative in communication is expressed in his use of screaming and crying to attract attention to himself.

Good to know

The timeliness of the appearance and degree of expression of the revitalization complex is the main criterion for the normativity of a child’s mental development in the first half of life.

The appearance of a revival complex in a child shows that not only has there been a need to communicate with an adult, but also that means of communication have appeared. Activity on the part of the baby is aimed at interacting with the adult and is more pronounced the more passive the adult is. The revitalization complex evokes in the adults caring for the child a feeling of deep pleasure, a feeling of reciprocity, sharing their own emotions on the part of this little creature. All this indicates that a social developmental situation specific to infancy - the situation of the inextricable emotional unity of the child and the adult (the “we” situation) - has taken shape.

The revitalization complex includes the following reactions:

  • General motor agitation when an adult approaches.

  • The use of screaming and crying to attract people to oneself, that is, the emergence of an initiative to communicate.

  • Excessive vocalizations when communicating with the mother.

  • Smile reaction.

Good to know

The revitalization complex serves as the boundary of the critical period of the newborn, and the timing of its appearance is the main criterion for the normality of the child’s mental development. The revitalization complex appears earlier in those children whose mothers not only satisfy the vital needs of the child (feed on time, change diapers, etc.), but also communicate and play with him.

Physical development of a child at 1 month

Lying on his back, the baby spreads his arms to the sides and raises them forward. By the end of this month, the child will be able to clench and unclench his fingers. Turns head freely from side to side, although most of the time keeps head along the midline of the body. In the tummy position, towards the end of this month of life, the child raises and holds his head for at least 10 seconds, and then the head falls. You can check this head elevation using a rattle. It is necessary to rattle it in front of the face of a lying child, talk to him in order to achieve fixation of the gaze on the rattle and lifting of the head by following it. However, keep in mind that the baby can raise his head in this way only up to an angle of 45 degrees relative to the surface. Because of this, he still cannot look far ahead. After two months of life, the baby should be placed on his stomach not only for short periods before meals and bedtime, but also for longer periods of wakefulness in between. When the child gets tired and begins to be capricious, he should be returned to the supine position.


Holding the head too early and too pronounced, as well as throwing the head back in a position on the stomach, may also be a sign of damage to the nervous system. In this case, you should contact a pediatric neurologist, especially if the child often and strongly throws his head back and lies on his back. A healthy child may have a moderate tendency to this position if the birth took place with a facial presentation.

In an upright position, when you pick up a child, he is able to hold his head straight, but not for long. Starting from the age of one and a half months, it is recommended to hold the baby in your arms more often. If until 1.5 months you held the baby in your arms in a horizontal position (lying down), then from 1.5 months you need to hold him vertically. Place his butt on one of your arms and, supporting him under the chest with your other hand, press his back to you. At the same time, the child, first with your support, and then on his own, begins to hold the body - sits in the adult’s arms “in a column.” However, at first you have to hold the baby’s head additionally. This position of a child in the arms of an adult not only develops the baby’s ability to hold his head upright, but opens up new opportunities for him to get to know the world.

Hand movements. Much of the time, he no longer clenches his fingers into fists, but keeps his palms open and relaxed. Towards the end of this month, the baby begins to move his hands to his mouth and suck his finger.

Mental development of a child at 1 month

Vision. More clearly than in the first month of life, he fixes his gaze on the face of the person who is bending over him and talking. By one and a half months, most children look not just into the face, but also into the eyes of an adult, and this is how the “eye to eye” reaction appears. At the same time, he begins to follow moving people who come into his field of vision.

If you place a bright toy a little away from the line of the center of the child’s gaze, then he can find it with his gaze. To attract attention, the toy can be slightly shaken or swayed from side to side. The child “examines” a stationary, interesting toy for 20, then 30 seconds.

In the second month of life, the child fixes his gaze not only on a moving object, as was the case before, but also on a stationary one. Therefore, starting from the age of 1–1.5 months, it is necessary to hang bright objects above the crib. At the very beginning, it is better to hang one toy at a time. After the child learns to fix his gaze well on one object, you can increase the number of hanging objects to two or three, so that he learns to move his gaze from one object to another. If you have time, you can play with your child: first stir one of the hanging toys to attract his attention, and then tug on the other.

The toy is hung in the direction of view of the child lying on his back - usually above the level of his chest. There are different opinions about what the distance to the toy should be. Some scientists believe that a small child cannot look at objects located further than 20–30 cm from his eyes, others believe that such a close distance contributes to the further development of myopia. They advise hanging the toy no closer than 40–50 cm. Therefore, hang smaller objects at a shorter distance (40–50 cm), and larger ones at a larger distance (70 cm). Periodically hang inflated rubber balloons over the bed; their swaying from light puffs of air will certainly attract the child’s attention even at a fairly large distance.

You can’t keep toys in front of your child all the time. It is recommended to hang them for 30 minutes with a break of 10-15 minutes.

Sometimes what is sold for hanging above the crib is not the best option. Garlands of a large number of objects tire the eyes. If possible, it is better to remove most of the objects from the thread. If they are not removable, then you need to choose a garland with one, maximum two brightly colored objects (orange, red, green) in the center and several less bright ones (bluish, dark blue, purple, white, etc.) on the periphery of the garland. Now mobile carousels have become fashionable - pendants with moving toys accompanied by music. There is an opinion that they can harm a child due to excessive strain on vision up to the age of 2.5–3 months, and after this age they will no longer contribute to the child’s development. As for music, I must disappoint its lovers. At this age she is just noise to a child. Elements of its perception appear later - from about 4–5 months.

Auditory reactions. The baby tries to turn his head and move his gaze towards the source of a long, long-lasting sound, located not only at ear level, but also further. First, the child turns his head to a sound from the side, then begins to respond to a sound above his head and throws his head back.


Take a bell or a rattle that is loud enough and lightly work it for 10 seconds. Try to keep this sound source 30–50 cm away from the child, out of his field of vision. Hearing a loud sound, the child will “think” for a while, listening, and then begin to turn his head left and right, trying to find the object that disturbed the silence.

By two months, the baby reacts with head movements not only to a rattle or bell, but also to your voice, the noise of a vacuum cleaner, music, etc. However, the gaze does not yet fixate on the distant sound source; it turns its head, but does not find the distant sounding object with its gaze. He may stop screaming or start smiling from your soothing or affectionate voice, without even seeing you. A smile may also appear on the baby’s face in response to an adult’s smile and conversation. However, positive emotions are still indistinguishable. Such illegibility will end with the advent of the ability to remember. The child may still flinch at sharp sounds.


If a shudder in the second month of life is accompanied by a sharp and pronounced spreading of the arms to the sides or forward, and there is no clear tendency for such spreading of the arms to disappear, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

Pre-speech development of a child at 1 month

Various intonations appear in the scream, it becomes more expressive. Unlike the 1st month of life, when the child’s cry passively reflected only variants of physical discomfort, by the end of the 2nd month of life, the cry begins to become an active means of communication, a way of contact with the mother. The child screams in different ways: patiently, offended, protesting, compliant. A cry can also be inviting, begging, capricious, reproaching, demanding, forcing.


If the cry by 2 months remains monotonous and does not contain the above intonations, you should consult a neurologist.

In response to the sounds of an adult “tu-u-u, la-ya-ya, boo-u-u”, a child from 6–7 weeks, in the pauses between the sounds of the adult, makes short vowel sounds “e”, “a”, “u” , then - “a-a-a”, “a-by-s”, “e-ee”, etc. Can also pronounce “cough”, “ah”. However, it makes all these sounds only during short periods of revival and satisfaction when it feels good. By the age of 2 months, most children coo: the consonants “g” and “k” are added to the vowel “uu” - and a clear “guu” is obtained; ku; yeah." There are also guttural sounds “gee”, “hee”.

Denver test at 1 month

Rough movements- Lying on his stomach, raises his head
Speech- Smiles

Visit to the clinic

This month you and your baby will have your first visit to the clinic. Each of them has a “healthy child’s day” or “baby day”, when only healthy children come so that the sick do not infect them. You need to find out in advance (usually this is Tuesday or Wednesday) so as not to come on a day when the clinic will be filled with coughing and sneezing children of all ages.

A pediatrician examination is required every month. In addition, there is medical examination, that is, examination of the child by medical specialists and taking tests. This month you will experience both.


  • Pediatrician.

  • Neurologist (neurologist).

  • Pediatric surgeon.

  • Orthopedist (traumatologist-orthopedist). Usually the baby is examined by either a surgeon or an orthopedist.

  • An ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist), this specialist sometimes examines the baby for the first time at 2 months.

Routine vaccination:

  • The second vaccination against hepatitis B (the first is carried out in the maternity hospital, and the third - at two months).


  • General (clinical) blood test - taken from a finger (main indicators: hemoglobin, red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, ESR).

  • General analysis of urine (color, transparency, pH is determined, whether there is protein, glucose, red blood cells, bacteria in it).

  • General analysis of stool (scatology - consistency, color, pH is determined, whether there is blood or leukocytes in it).

You will have your next medical examination at three months, and at two months you will only have an examination by a pediatrician.

How to feed a 1 month old baby?

Breastfeeding remains a priority. It is best to feed your baby only breast milk. The number of applications is not limited, including at night. This is called demand feeding. To do this, it is more convenient to put him to sleep with you, or to move a crib without a side to your bed. This way, you'll be more likely to get enough sleep and your nights will be calmer.

Good to know

“When you kiss your baby, you change the composition of your breast milk. Did you know that the uncontrollable desire to kiss your child has a biological purpose? When a mother kisses her baby, she receives samples of microflora from his face, which then enter her lymphatic system. The mother's body will form antibodies to fight pathogenic microbes, which the baby will then receive through breast milk. Well?! Isn’t it surprising?” (taken from Ekaterina Zhitomirskaya Shekhtman).

If you have any questions related to breastfeeding, if there is discomfort during feeding, lumps have appeared in your breasts, if you think you don’t have enough milk, or that your baby is not gaining weight well, do not rush to introduce the formula. Consult your pediatrician and be sure to: with a breastfeeding specialist.

Good to know

Breastfeeding is no better or worse than formula. This is the norm! The mixture is not normal. Therefore, these things are incomparable. It cannot be said that children on breastfeeding get sick less, develop better and achieve greater success in the future. But artificial feeding is a risk factor for many diseases.

Formula-fed babies are also fed on demand, but from a bottle. The amount of mixture per feeding is 80–120 ml, the number of feedings is at least 6.

How to bathe a 1 month old baby?

If you have not yet mastered the neck circle for swimming, now is the time to use it. Infants need to be bathed every day, preferably before bed. Taking a warm bath perfectly relaxes, relieves muscle and psychological tension, improves mood and well-being. And if, while taking such a bath, the baby not only lies on his mother’s hand, but actively swims, then in addition to relaxation, he will also release the energy remaining during the day. For this purpose, leading pediatric experts have developed a special neck circle for bathing newborns. Now such circles are available to any family, because they are sold everywhere and also have a low price. They are made from high-strength non-allergenic polymer in different countries of the world. Small children love to swim on such a circle - in this way they develop their natural innate swimming reflex.

Even if your baby is not yet holding his head, bathing a newborn with a circle (from what age does not matter) is possible. This type of swimming does not require a child to exert any effort or tension in the neck muscles; it is not dangerous, because specialists take part in the development of the circles, and the products are tested before entering the market. Those mothers and fathers who have back problems, which does not allow them to bathe The baby, bending down, will appreciate bathing a newborn with a circle. No matter what age you start, just inflate a circle, put it on your child and lower your baby into the water. Your child will swim independently, without your help, turning over from tummy to back and back. It is especially useful to carry out this procedure before bedtime - if the water is a little cooler than usual, the child will actively move and spend energy. After this, deep sleep is guaranteed. If the water is warm, the baby's muscles will relax.

The design of such a circle is elementary - it is one or two round air chambers with valves for inflation. There are usually two clasps and handles that parents can use to hold the device. In some models, manufacturers add an element of play - rattles or bells that make sounds when the child moves. When choosing a circle, pay attention to the edges of its inner surface so that they do not injure the delicate skin of the baby’s neck. There must be a protrusion for the chin. If all these conditions are met, it will be absolutely safe to bathe a newborn with a circle. At what age should I start? You decide. Manufacturers recommend using such circles on the neck from one week of life. However, according to the experience of mothers, the newborn baby is still too small and simply slips out of the circle. Therefore, it is better to start such swimming from 1–1.5 months.


  • This circle is not used as a rescue device.

  • Never leave your child in the bathroom unattended for a minute, even in a circle - this can be deadly for your baby. For greater safety, at first lightly support the baby with your hand under the back or tummy.

  • Do not use this ring for swimming in large bodies of water, such as a river, sea or lake. If you still dare to bathe your baby in a pond, constantly hold the circle by one of the soft handles on it.

Dr. Komarovsky about bathing newborns

How to play with a 1 month old baby?

Already in the first month of a baby’s life, periods of active wakefulness appear, at first for 20–30 minutes, by the end of the third month - up to an hour. The adult’s task is to create all the necessary conditions for the child to be active. Let melodious music sound. Take the baby in your arms, bring it to the window, to the mirror, carry it from room to room. Tell us about everything you see yourself. Various sensations, sounds, smells - all this is beneficial for a growing person. Here are some games that will help you establish a warm relationship with your child.

"Doll from a plate"
Make a doll for your baby by drawing a face on a paper plate and attaching a handle to the side. Move the plate in different directions at a distance of 25 centimeters from the child’s face. After a while, the baby will begin to follow the toy, and a smile will appear on his face.

Where's mom? (from 1.5–2 months)
Draw your baby's attention to your face by sticking out your tongue, puffing out your cheeks, and rounding your lips. Take your child's hand and move it over your face, touching your forehead, nose, lips, cheeks and chin. Don't forget to talk to your baby. Tilt your head left and right while humming a song. This game will teach your child to watch your face for a long time.

Spout to spout (from 1 month)
Take the baby in your arms so that one of your hands supports the baby's head and neck, and the other supports the buttocks. Bring your face closer to the child’s face, saying: “Let’s press nose to nose, smile and sing, yes, yes, yes!” On the third “yes,” touch your nose to your baby’s nose. Repeat the game several times, changing the tone and volume of your voice, making it high or low. You can say the first and second “yes” in a whisper, and the third in a normal voice. The child will wait for the game to continue, smile, and look you in the eyes.

Goat (from 1 month)
This has been a favorite pastime for children since ancient times. They butt the child with the index finger and little finger:

The horned goat is coming,
There's a butted goat coming.
Legs - stomp, stomp!
With your eyes - clap-clap!
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Who doesn't drink milk?
He's gored, gored, gored!

I hear mom (from 3–4 weeks)
When you walk through the room where the child is lying, raise your voice and call the little one by name. When changing direction, respond every time. The baby learns to follow your movements and develops hearing. Show your child high and low sounds. Place the baby on the changing table. Say his name first in a high voice, then in a low voice. Change the tone and volume of your voice several times. By playing with you, your baby will learn to listen to the varied sounds of your voice.

Bells (from 3–4 weeks)
To play you will need bells. Place your baby on your lap. Ringing the bells, hum the song:

The bells are hanging
They swing and ring.
Let's repeat their call:
Ding-ding, dang-dang, dong-dong.

Ring the bells to the right or left of the child. See if he listens to their sound. Let the baby follow the movement of the bells with his eyes. Repeat the game several times. You can use other objects and toys.

Video blog - 1 month old baby

1 month after birth

Feeding the baby

How we switched from bottle to breast

Using materials from the doctor of the Sumy Regional Children's Hospital - Leonid Rostislavovich Bitterlich