The baby develops at the 12th week of pregnancy. Eleventh week of pregnancy: baby development and woman’s feelings

Week 12 is the end of the third month of pregnancy, the first trimester.

The baby's thyroid gland is already working!

Fetal development at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Your baby's weight at 12 weeks of gestation is approximately 13 - 14 grams, and the total length is 9 cm! In most bones, centers of ossification appear - places of the main development of bone tissue, fingers can be distinguished from toes, and nails are visible.

Muscles develop, so the fetus moves more. He can flex his thumbs and make a fist. The muscles of the mouth work: the child wrinkles his lips, opens and closes his mouth. It can suck and swallow the liquid that surrounds it. The rudiments of hair, glands and nails are formed in the skin.

The thyroid gland is already formed and is capable of synthesizing iodotyrosine. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and ensure the growth, development and differentiation of tissues, including the central nervous system (CNS), therefore, when the thyroid gland is insufficient, growth retardation occurs due to metabolic inhibition.

The fetus is already more human-like, although the head is still disproportionately large compared to the body, and the formed limbs are too small. Because internal organs have formed and many are already functioning, the fetus is less susceptible to infections and the effects of medications. The circulatory and urinary systems are functioning, so the fetus can urinate (this is not scary - urine in a fetus has practically nothing in common with that in adults). The liver produces bile. The genitals are already developed, but gender is difficult to determine. The eyelids have formed and now they close the eyes. Earlobes appeared.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, it is usually done, during which it is already possible to find out the gender of the unborn baby.

Well-being of the expectant mother at 12 weeks of pregnancy

If you were tormented by early toxicosis, then you were probably looking forward to this week. Finally, morning sickness will leave you alone. The urge to urinate becomes less frequent than at the beginning of pregnancy. Excitability and irritability caused by hormonal changes may persist, but their intensity will noticeably decrease. This is due to the fact that the main hormonal function is taken over by the placenta (children's place), and the previously actively functioning corpus luteum will gradually regress.

Unfortunately, in some pregnant women, manifestations of toxicosis may continue. Especially if the pregnancy is multiple. But this is already connected with other mechanisms. If this happens, notify your doctor.

Amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid, or amniotic fluid, is the watery environment in which your baby grows and develops. It performs a number of functions, which you can read about

How to prevent miscarriage

Listen carefully to your condition in the 9-12th week. Remember: a normal pregnancy is never accompanied by pain.

You should be wary:

  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  • feeling of pressure on the rectum;
  • increased secretion of mucus from the vagina.

If you have even one of the symptoms, immediately go to bed, all physical activity is contraindicated for you, only rest! You can take 2 tablets of no-shpa or Magne B6 at once, which have an antispasmodic effect, “calming” the muscles and reducing tension. But if the pain does not go away within 2-3 hours, consult a doctor: a prolonged condition, which experts call a threat of miscarriage, is very dangerous for the fetus.

If bloody discharge occurs, consult a doctor immediately. At this stage, spontaneous miscarriage can be avoided.

Weight gain during pregnancy

Every week your weight should increase by 0.5 kg.

To increase your weight back to normal, try eating high-calorie foods or gradually increase the frequency of your meals. But do not eat “fast” food (chips, sandwiches, hamburgers), it will not benefit your child.

Some women gain a lot of weight in the first trimester of pregnancy because they believe that a pregnant woman should eat a lot. But eating too much will not only ruin your appearance (you'll find it difficult to lose weight after having a baby), but it will also complicate pregnancy and childbirth.

Some women gain weight very quickly because they indulge themselves in sweets. Follow and you will get rid of the problem of excess weight.

The 12th obstetric week is the end of the third month of pregnancy. At this point, the woman gets used to her baby, and the baby gets used to his mother. The bond between mother and child becomes stronger.

Constant changes occur in the mother's body. Which of them are considered the norm, and what should you pay close attention to?

12 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

At such a serious stage, the baby has grown, his height is 6-7 cm, weight - 10-15 g. It can be compared to a tennis ball.

With a properly progressing pregnancy, by the end of the third month all the important organs and systems of the child are formed.

What has formed, what is happening, what does a baby look like at the 12th week of pregnancy?

The most important thing that happens at week 12 is the production of the baby’s first hormones. These hormones are responsible for growth and development.

The first hairs are already appearing on the body of such a baby. The toes have transparent nails.

At this age, many babies are already able to put a finger in their mouth.

Video: 12th week of obstetric period

The chest makes movements similar to the respiratory cycle. The child has a right and a left hemisphere, and his liver begins to produce its first bile.

Of the sense organs, only touch has been formed so far. This is confirmed by data that during transvaginal ultrasound the child responds to the touch of the sensor. The baby will probably already feel when his mother touches his tummy. And he loves it!

What is visible on an ultrasound at 12 weeks of obstetrics?

Usually at this time the first planned ultrasound is performed.

What can mom see? One glance is enough to see a well-formed head, on which there are eyes, a nose, lips and ears covered by eyelids. All this is clearly visible.

The torso, arms and legs are also visible. You can see the child putting his fingers in his mouth and wincing.

With the help of precise equipment, the doctor can tentatively determine the sex of the child. However, it will be possible to find out for sure from the 16th week.

Video: Extended screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Fetal heart rate norms at 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

A child's heartbeat is the main indicator of health. This is something that doctors pay close attention to. Normally, at 12 weeks, the baby’s heart should be fully formed and beat at a frequency of about 170 beats in a minute.

The slightest disturbances in the functioning of the heart are considered serious and require special attention from doctors.

What happens in a woman’s body at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

To the delight of many women, at week 12 hormonal surges gradually decrease. This gives a feeling of calm and confidence.

But hormonal changes can affect women differently. Some people may develop age spots on their face, while others may have acne. And some women are pleased to notice that during pregnancy their facial skin has become much cleaner and fresher.

At week 12, the uterus increases in size - now its volume is 10 cm. For this reason, it cannot be in the pelvic cavity and begins to rise into the abdominal cavity.

In most cases, its rise provokes.

Changes in a woman’s body at the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Due to a decrease in progesterone, breasts at 12 weeks may become slightly smaller in volume. If nothing else bothers a woman, then she can take it calmly.

Doctors say that during pregnancy, breasts can change their shape several times. But all these changes are very individual.

At 12 weeks my belly grew noticeably. But for now it looks like a rounded waist. At this point, many pregnant women may experience such an unpleasant symptom as abdominal itching.

Why is this happening? An enlarged abdomen entails stretching of the skin, which can lead to stretch marks in the future.

Every woman has the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant defect. To do this, you need to moisturize the skin of the abdomen (and not only) every day with any cream or cosmetic oil.

What can and cannot be done for a woman at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

A pregnant woman should avoid:

  • As the center of gravity gradually shifts, it becomes increasingly difficult for mothers to maintain balance. Therefore, high and unstable surfaces should be avoided. You need to be especially careful on slippery roads in winter. For the same reason, you should avoid high-soled shoes during pregnancy.
  • Expectant mothers are prohibited from taking any medications on their own. And also get vaccinated.
  • You also need to give up alcohol and nicotine.
  • Smoking hookahs and electronic cigarettes also falls into the category of bad habits and can affect the development of the baby.
  • Moms should try not to consume fatty, spicy, fried, salty foods, carbonated drinks and limit themselves from experimenting with exotic foods.
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from using some aromatic oils - laurel, basil, nutmeg, juniper, thyme, sage, etc.


  • Eat high-quality foods rich in calcium, iodine, and folic acid. Protein is especially important now - it is the building foundation for the baby. There should be enough of it. To do this, you need to eat more meat, cottage cheese, fish, eggs, and nuts.
  • Those who adhere to vegetarianism should develop a detailed nutrition plan, taking into account all the needs of the body.
  • It is important to know that the more elastic the muscles are, the easier it will be to give birth to a baby.
  • In order to improve the condition of your skin, you need to eat right, and most importantly, train your muscles. For active mothers, there is no special need for training. And for those who are overweight, it would be useful to attend special classes for pregnant women.

12 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

In order to understand that everything is fine with the baby, a woman needs to carefully monitor her condition.

Throughout pregnancy, many symptoms disappear and others appear in their place. If the expectant mother from time to time feels the symptoms of pregnancy characteristic of her, then there is no reason to worry.

If all the symptoms of pregnancy suddenly disappear, you should sound the alarm.

Popular questions about pregnancy at 12 weeks - answered by a specialist

12 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic periods - how are they different?

To determine the approximate date of birth of the baby, doctors use obstetric term, starting on the first day of the last menstruation, two weeks before actual conception.

Embryonic term– this is the exact period of pregnancy. It begins at the moment of conception, that is, during ovulation.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good?

In most cases, the pregnant woman’s well-being is expected to improve at week 12. This is due to the stabilization of hormonal levels. If there are no suspicious symptoms, the woman can be absolutely calm.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at 12 weeks of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant, and bleeding starts?

Many pregnant women stop feeling sick at this stage.

But if this is accompanied by symptoms such as spotting, general deterioration in health, pain in the lower abdomen, there is no need to waste time. You need to seek help as soon as possible, as these symptoms indicate a possible threat of miscarriage.

Is discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

Discharge at week 12 should be moderate, translucent, and not cause discomfort or burning.

If the discharge does not correspond to the norm, you should inform your doctor. If there is blood in them, seek help immediately.

If at 12 weeks of pregnancy the fetal heartbeat is not heard

Absence of heartbeat in the third month is an alarming symptom.

The problem may be a hardware malfunction. Otherwise, this means cessation of fetal cardiac activity.

If at 12 weeks of pregnancy your lower abdomen feels tight?

The stomach may swell slightly after physical fatigue or heavy lifting. In such situations, you need to leave everything and take a comfortable position to relax. After 10-15 minutes the pain should subside.

If this does not happen, and the pain intensifies, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Tingling or pain is felt in the ovaries at 12 weeks of pregnancy - reasons?

This often happens during pregnancy. Often, pain in the ovarian area appears as a result of sprained ligaments, as the uterus and tummy are constantly increasing.

But if a woman had problems with her ovaries before pregnancy, and while expecting a baby she feels persistent and intense pain, she should definitely talk to her doctor about it.

12th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

During artificial insemination, a woman undergoes more careful monitoring by doctors. If there are any suspicions, an unscheduled ultrasound and necessary tests may be prescribed.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 12 weeks, or does it rarely freeze at this time?

By the end of the third month, the risk of fetal death decreases.

But if this is a high-risk pregnancy, you should be on guard throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

A frozen pregnancy may not be immediately detected. Its main symptom is the disappearance of all signs of pregnancy. And this happens suddenly.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous during the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy?

A common cold is unlikely to harm a child at this time. But serious infectious diseases - such as measles, rubella, hepatitis - are very dangerous without proper treatment.

12 weeks is one third of pregnancy. At this moment, mommy needs to take care of her health, rest more often - and enjoy her interesting position.

12 weeks of pregnancy symbolize the end of the first anxious trimester. You can congratulate yourself and your baby, because the first third of the journey has been successfully completed, the risk of complications and miscarriage has been significantly reduced, which means you can relax and reveal your secret to relatives and friends.

Perinatal screening In the diet
phase corpuscles
changes how much

By 12 weeks, the baby’s body length is 60-100 mm, its weight is 15-20 g. The size of the fetus at week 12 is the size of a lemon.

Detailed fetal development

What happens to the fetus at this stage?

  1. The inner part of the ear is being formed.
  2. Eyes are recognized.
  3. The face becomes more and more distinct. The face is still very small, but the forehead is large.
  4. Nails begin to grow on the fingers and toes.
  5. Grasping and sucking reflexes have already been developed. If it were possible to touch the child’s palm with a finger, he grabbed it in his fist.
  6. The baby began to swallow amniotic fluid, which then came out in the form of urine. This indicates the beginning of kidney function.
  7. At the 12th week, the fetus is actively moving, turning over in the womb, and its movements have acquired coordination, since the signals are sent not to the brain, but to the spinal cord.
  8. The endocrine gland, the pituitary gland, continues to develop. Its hormones help the baby grow, develop, ensure metabolic processes and reproductive function.
  9. The baby is already sensitive, reacts to touches and sounds.
  10. The thymus has formed - the thymus gland, responsible for the synthesis of lymphocytes and the development of immunity.
  11. The baby's heart beats 110-160 beats per minute. Its knocking can already be heard not only on ultrasound, but with the help of Doppler (a special tube device).
  12. The liver produces bile necessary for complete digestion.
  13. The small intestine is already capable of peristalsis. The digestive system can digest glucose.
  14. In the skeleton, predominantly consisting of cartilage, the process of formation of bone substance begins.
  15. By the 12th week of pregnancy, the muscles of the chest begin to contract rhythmically. These movements are a kind of preparation of the baby for breathing after birth.
  16. The genital organs have already developed sufficiently, so during an ultrasound, you can distinguish the sex of the baby if he lies in a comfortable position.
  17. From 12 weeks the baby begins to feel pain.

Week 12 – the date of the first perinatal screening. At this time or a little earlier, a pregnant woman registers with the antenatal clinic. Subsequently, she visits the doctor once every 3-4 weeks.

The first perinatal screening is carried out during this period

Examinations during this period

During screening, a woman undergoes the necessary tests:

  • blood chemistry;
  • tests for hepatitis, syphilis, AIDS;
  • studies to measure blood sugar levels;
  • undergoes an ultrasound examination if it was not performed at 10 or 11 weeks.

If necessary, the doctor can also prescribe a test at 12 weeks of pregnancy to identify urogenital infections and determine hormone levels. At 12 weeks, it is important to undergo all studies recommended by a specialist, since with their help you can obtain information about the current condition of the mother and possible complications during pregnancy.

An ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy allows you to determine the weight, height of the fetus, the presence/absence of abnormalities during pregnancy or fetal development, the condition of the uterus, the presence of tone, if the position of the baby allows, determine the sex of the baby. The doctor can also tell you the expected date of birth. But you shouldn’t put too much faith in the research results. The baby may be born earlier or later than the scheduled date.

Also find out whether you need to do it and which one.

When conducting screening, the doctor receives the most valuable information about the mother and child; based on the interpretation of the ultrasound, he can study the risks of chromosomal abnormalities and developmental pathologies. Therefore, the importance of ultrasound cannot be overestimated. When chromosomal abnormalities are detected that doctors have not yet learned how to treat, parents are faced with a difficult task: to give birth to a child or to terminate a pregnancy.

During an ultrasound, you can take photos and videos of the 12th week of pregnancy, in which parents see what the baby looks like, watch how he funny moves his lips, opens his mouth, makes grimaces, unclenches and clenches his fists.

What happens to the expectant mother?

The period of 12 weeks for a woman is “golden”. The following changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman.

  1. All signs of toxicosis have passed by this time. You can forget about nausea and vomiting.
  2. By the 12th week, hormonal levels are normalized, which has a beneficial effect on the emotional state - expectant mothers become calm and peaceful. Although it is too early to talk about complete emotional stability, hormones continue to control a woman’s mood.
  3. The hormone progesterone is no longer produced in large quantities, completely transferring the reins of maintaining the vital functions of the fetus to the placenta. As a result, the woman experiences increased fatigue, drowsiness, and weakness.
  4. There is no belly yet at the 12th week of pregnancy, however, from that moment on it will begin to grow rapidly. The uterus is already cramped in the pelvic area (its size is about 10 cm), it rises into the abdominal cavity.
  5. The woman begins to worry about a rapid heartbeat. The culprit for this phenomenon is the increased volume of circulating blood. You should check your pulse and blood pressure regularly.
  6. In approximately 60% of cases, frequent urination ceases to bother a pregnant woman.
  7. Under the influence of hormones, many pregnant women's complexion improves at 12 weeks, their hair becomes soft, shiny, and silky.
  8. All the same hormones lead to the fact that a woman suffers from heartburn. Moreover, it is very difficult to get rid of it. Fried and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.

Here's a belly

Despite the fact that the changes that have occurred to the woman are not yet noticeable to others, the expectant mother is already noticing them, observing herself in the mirror. Often, it is at the 12th week that a woman stops wearing skirts with zippers and trousers with buttons, preferring loose-fitting clothes made from elastic fabrics. This is caused by the fact that a pregnant woman has a feeling of “tightness” in the abdominal area, even if the clothes do not fit tightly to the body.

By the 12th week, the breasts fill out even more, increase in size, and the skin begins to itch from rapid stretching. It would be a good idea to change your bra and start using stretch mark creams.

Week 12 is the time to change your wardrobe, select natural remedies for the prevention of stretch marks, and enjoy your amazing condition. All a woman’s sensations during this period are very pleasant, uplifting, and bring joy. You can improve your health and take care of the normal course of pregnancy by using the following tips.


The diet of the expectant mother at 12 weeks of pregnancy should be varied. The body especially needs fiber now, since intestinal motility is slowed down. Therefore, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, the diet must certainly contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins B, C, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and other nutrients.


Watch your weight. If by the end of the 12th week you have gained more than 2 kg, reduce your gastronomic cravings.

Excessive weight gain can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the baby.

Taking care of your healthTry to avoid colds and infectious diseases. They are no longer as dangerous as in the first trimester, however, they can still negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Don't give up on intimacy with your partner. An additional portion of endorphins will not be superfluous.

The only exceptions are the threat of miscarriage or low placenta previa.

EmotionsTry not to be nervous, feel calm and relaxed. Think only about good things. Remember, your baby senses your mood.
Physical activity

Moderate exercise, sports, and walks in the fresh air will be beneficial for both mother and baby.

Avoid extreme sports (cycling, skiing, skating, rollerblading, skydiving). Put all this off until the baby is born.

A pregnant woman's diet should contain more vegetables, fruits and berries

Discharge and abdominal pain

In a healthy woman, discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy should be moderate, uniform in consistency, light milky in color, and odorless. The appearance of pus and mucus in the discharge may indicate infection. If the discharge has a curd-like consistency and a sour smell, this indicates infection with a fungus of the genus Candida, in other words, thrush.

Candidiasis is the most common disease in pregnant women. Its symptoms:

  • burning in the perineal area;
  • worse after urination;
  • curdled discharge.

The disease itself does not pose a danger to the woman and child during pregnancy. However, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, since the child can become infected with the fungus while passing through the birth canal.

Often thrush is disguised as other infectious diseases - trichomoniasis, chlamydia. 12 weeks is the right time to undergo treatment. The fetus is already formed, and the placenta will provide it with reliable protection from the effects of antibacterial drugs.

If a woman notices bloody vaginal discharge, even the slightest, this is an alarming sign. Especially if they are accompanied by abdominal pain. This indicates a threat of miscarriage, so the woman should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes spotting in pregnant women occurs after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. This may indicate the presence of cervical erosion or fibroids, which is also a reason to conduct additional examination.

The 12th week of pregnancy is a particularly long-awaited date for the expectant mother. This is the end of the first trimester, which traditionally brings a woman a lot of discomfort, associated primarily with toxicosis. Also in gynecology and obstetrics, the first 12 weeks are considered to be especially dangerous for the fetus, when the development of pathologies and the associated termination of pregnancy are most possible. Therefore, 12 weeks is the milestone that indicates the viability of the unborn child and serves as a kind of catalyst for a normal pregnancy.

Signs at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The most difficult period associated with the development of the fetus, the formation of all its vital organs, is behind us. Now the doctor can examine the child in the uterine cavity not only using the intravaginal ultrasound diagnostic method, but also in the traditional way. For a woman, with the arrival of the 12th week, a particularly pleasant period begins: toxicosis makes itself felt less and less often, the size of the abdomen still allows you to lead a normal lifestyle and move actively, and worries about the correct development of the baby cease to be so alarming for objective reasons.

What happens to the mother and what sensations does she experience at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

The woman’s well-being improves, and previously unknown sensations appear:

    • toxicosis recedes;
    • less drowsiness and irritability;

  • a good appetite appears. At this time, Libra will most likely show the first noticeable weight gain;
  • psychologically, the woman already realizes that she is pregnant and begins to subconsciously prepare for childbirth and a new status;
  • if this is not the first pregnancy, the first movements of the fetus may make themselves felt (for the first pregnancy this date will come a little later).

Changes in the mother's body at 12 weeks of pregnancy

From now on, not only the woman herself, but also those around her can notice obvious transformations in her:

  • the uterus has grown in width by about 10 cm, and now it does not fit in the hip area, but gradually occupies the abdominal cavity: you can already notice a small tummy;
  • the load on the kidneys, heart and liver increases, so exacerbations of chronic diseases in these areas are likely;
  • intestinal motility decreases, which causes constipation;
  • amniotic fluid is renewed every day, approximately now there is already 50 ml;
  • the volume of circulating blood has increased: the heart beats faster, blood pressure rises;
  • a light stripe appears in the lower abdomen, which usually becomes thicker and darker by the time of childbirth, and disappears already in the first year after delivery;
  • frequent urge to urinate ceases to bother the woman until the last months of pregnancy;
  • pigmentation may appear;
  • The chest becomes very full.

What happens to the baby at the 12th week of pregnancy. Fetus.

Gynecologists no longer call the unborn child an embryo, but a fetus. He is already visually very similar to a person, although his head is not yet proportional to the body, and he can be seen with ultrasound diagnostics.

    • Fetal development at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The length of the fetus has already grown to 6-9 cm. From this time on, its growth will steadily increase, which for doctors is an important criterion for proper intrauterine development.

All vital organs and systems are already functioning and continue to develop. The fetus is actively moving. His facial expressions come to life. At this stage, it is already possible to determine gender.

By week 12, the fetus weighs about 14 grams. A woman usually does not yet feel its movements due to its light weight, but it is already actively moving in the amniotic fluid. From now on, the gynecologist will especially monitor the mother’s weight gain and the dynamics of uterine growth - factors that indicate the child’s growth and weight gain.

What's new?

  • fingers and toes separated, marigolds began to appear;
  • a unique imprint is formed on the fingertips;
  • fluff appears on the face in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • the child actively grimaces, opens his mouth, closes his eyes;
  • the chest rises during an impromptu inhalation.

External development of the fetus

The child's head is even much larger than the body itself. The external genitalia are already clearly visible, from which an experienced diagnostician can determine the sex. The child moves his fingers and can suck his thumb. Outwardly, his figure is absolutely similar to that of an adult. The face already has pronounced features. The ears are still in their infancy, the nostrils are set wide apart. A neck appeared.

Internal development of the fetus

By the 12th week, all body systems are already established and are actively being improved:

  • circulatory system: in addition to red blood cells, leukocytes begin to appear, which form the prototype of the immune system;
  • digestive tract: the intestines are greatly elongated, their shape is similar to a loop; bile is already being produced; intestinal motility appears; the child makes swallowing movements;
  • nervous system: reflexes are already working: the child turns away from the ultrasound device sensor, reacts to pressure on the mother’s stomach; such an important sucking reflex appears: the child clenches and unclenches his fists;
  • respiratory system: improvised breathing movements appear: the child’s chest rises when inhaling. Such training during the remaining months will allow the baby to breathe independently immediately after birth.

Weight gain at 12 weeks of pregnancy

By the end of the first trimester, a woman's weight increases slightly. As a rule, the increase is 1.8-3.6 kg. The guideline for a normal pregnancy is considered to be a weekly weight gain of 400-500 grams. A deficiency may indicate that the child is not developing according to his age and does not have enough nutrients that he should receive from the mother's blood.

Excessive weight gain is also undesirable: it can affect both the general health of the expectant mother and the weight of the child itself, which will significantly complicate the birth process.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 12 weeks

The most typical manifestations of pregnancy at this stage are:

  • breast enlargement and its special sensitivity;
  • the first discharge from the breast may appear as colostrum;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of abdominal roundness;
  • manifestation of a pigment stripe in the lower abdomen;
  • improved appetite and manifestation of atypical taste preferences;
  • fatigue, scattered attention, difficulty concentrating;
  • the first nagging pain in the back and lower back;
  • brittleness of nails and hair;
  • increased blood pressure may occur;
  • swelling of the limbs, especially after walking.

What happens to the belly at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

By the 12th week, the belly of a first-time mother usually does not increase enough to cause discomfort in her usual clothes. Those who are not pregnant for the first time are characterized by earlier growth of the abdomen. A typical phenomenon is also considered the appearance of a pigment strip from the navel down. An increase in the volume of the abdomen is often accompanied by itching: this is a kind of signal for a woman that it is time to purchase products for stretch marks and start actively using them (if you do this only in the last months, the effect will be insignificant).


By the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus increases in width by about 10 cm. It can no longer be located in the hip part due to its size, and therefore begins to gradually enlarge the abdominal cavity. This results in a gradual growth of the abdomen and an increase in waist circumference.

The cervix should be tightly closed at this stage. If for some reason it begins to open, in the hospital the woman is given stitches that prevent premature birth.


If the course of pregnancy is favorable, by the 12th week the woman should not experience pain as such. Mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be felt, caused by tension in the ligaments that support the growing uterus. A change in the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen can also be the root cause of pain. Severe, sharp pain can be caused by a bladder infection, dilation of the cervix and other pathologies, so if it occurs, a woman should immediately seek advice and undergo treatment in a hospital.

Discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Discharge at this stage of pregnancy is scanty or moderate, quite light, homogeneous, with a sour odor. The slightest blood inclusions should alert a pregnant woman. Often they can appear after examination on a chair or sexual intercourse, which is usually associated with existing cervical erosion or infection. Heavy discharge can be caused by thrush or chlamydia. Treatment of these diseases during pregnancy is carried out using a gentle method, since the infections themselves and their therapy can harm the fetus.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

By the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman must be registered at a local clinic. Before this period, she usually undergoes an examination by a therapist and specialized specialists, regularly undergoes a urine test for protein, a general blood test and an HIV test.

    • Ultrasound, tests, etc.

At 12 weeks, the first planned ultrasound is performed and, at the patient’s request, screening to identify pathologies of fetal development of a genetic nature (blood test from a vein). Using an ultrasound, the doctor assesses the proportions of the child’s body, analyzes his weight, identifies reflexes, and can determine his gender. Other studies at this stage are recommended:

  • smear for infection;
  • blood test for TORCH;
  • general blood test over time;
  • measuring the mother's abdominal circumference, monitoring her weight and blood pressure.


Modern gynecologists do not consider sex as a taboo during pregnancy. By the 12th week, the woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, and the dangerous period of the first trimester for the fetus has passed, so intimacy takes place. An exception may be cases with a low-attached placenta or multiple pregnancies.

For sex, positions are chosen that do not put pressure on the woman’s stomach. During this period, a man must be especially careful about his hygiene so as not to become a carrier of infection and not infect his pregnant partner.


A growing body requires proper and balanced nutrition. A woman should give up heavy foods, fast food, and alcohol. You definitely need to have breakfast. At lunch, a woman needs to eat the first course to avoid constipation. If during pregnancy you have unpleasant associations with a specific product, you should avoid it. It is useful for the expectant mother to consume a lot of dairy products, as they are rich in calcium, and during pregnancy a lot of it is used for the development of the fetus. It is worth choosing seasonal items from fruits and vegetables.

What to do this week

  • sign up for an ultrasound;
  • study information about courses for future parents;
  • start using stretch mark creams;
  • start keeping a weight gain chart;
  • inform your superiors about your maternity leave;
  • buy a new bra size;
  • start doing special gymnastics for pregnant women, sign up for a swimming pool;
  • visit the dentist.

Dangers and complications

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period of pregnancy has passed, a number of dangers can still appear at this stage:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • risk of premature cervical dilatation;
  • the likelihood of injury due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • possibility of hypothermia;
  • danger when driving a car due to distracted attention;
  • the likelihood of motion sickness in transport;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, thighs, and abdomen;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and allergic reactions.
  1. Eat properly and nutritiously; eat plenty of dairy products.
  2. Get an ultrasound. Take your baby's first photo.
  3. Start preparing for the addition. Sign up for courses for future parents.
  4. Watch your weight.
  5. Take care of your health and minimize contact with potentially sick people.
  6. Buy a stretch mark treatment.
  7. Stress less and walk more.

The expectant mother begins to feel better; for many, at the 12th week of pregnancy, the signs of toxicosis subside. The woman becomes calmer and stops getting upset over trifles.

The belly begins to grow quickly. Accordingly, the uterus enlarges and rises significantly into the upper abdominal cavity. Thanks to this, the pressure on the bladder becomes less intense. Now the expectant mother is less bothered by night urination.

For many mothers, this period is marked by a noticeable improvement in appearance: hair becomes silky, complexion normalizes. At 12 weeks of pregnancy this occurs due to the influence of hormones.

The corpus luteum dissolves, and the placenta takes over the main function of the baby’s growth. Thanks to this, toxicosis disappears, and the expectant mother has the opportunity to expand the menu.

Now the expectant mother’s body is working for two, so her heart rate may increase. Blood pressure becomes slightly elevated.


The discharge at week 12 is still slight and has a white or yellowish tint. For any changes, the expectant mother should visit a doctor.


In its normal state, the uterus is small and flat; now it is pear-shaped with a diameter of about 12 cm. The size of the fetus increases rapidly, the uterus grows at the 12th week of pregnancy, putting enormous pressure on the intestines. As a result, many women experience constipation. You should tell your doctor about their occurrence, who will definitely find a way out of the situation.


The baby continues to grow, his head straightens. The chin begins to rise from the chest and becomes straight. Now the baby is strengthening his lungs: he is learning to breathe through amniotic fluid.

The digestive system works, at the 12th week of pregnancy the child begins to feel pain. He constantly sucks his thumb, moves, reacts to various stimuli, including noise.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby already looks different - now the facial features of the little man are more distinct. The eyes can be seen using ultrasound. The ears, previously located on the neck, move towards the side surfaces of the head. The inner ear develops and the baby can now hear vibrations.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development is in full swing. Cartilage gradually turns into bone. The fingers are already separated, and you can see marigolds on them. The baby moves his fingers, but cannot bend them yet.

The nervous system is improving, and a connection between the spinal cord and brain gradually appears. Soon the brain will begin to control the body, but at the 12th obstetric week the child only makes chaotic, aimless movements. He pushes off the walls of the uterus, knows how to open and close his mouth, and moves his eyes.

The pituitary gland begins to produce hormones, and the thyroid gland functions. The intestine fills the entire abdominal cavity, its mucous membrane has folds. This organ already has the ability to absorb glucose.

The baby's heartbeat can be clearly heard using Doppler scanning. Compared to previous weeks, my heart beats more calmly. Now not only red blood cells are present in the baby’s blood: leukocytes are formed, and the thymus begins to work.

The kidneys and bladder are actively working. The baby urinates, and amniotic fluid is renewed hourly. The fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy is 8-9 cm, which can be compared to a large chicken egg.

Feelings at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Typically, the 12th week of pregnancy is different in that the woman feels much better - now she practically does not feel sick, and night urination becomes rare. However, sometimes toxicosis only appears at 12 obstetric weeks. In this case, you should consult a specialist.


During pregnancy, a woman’s body works hard, so it is possible to feel a sharp or aching pain in the head. To make them disappear, sometimes you just need to rest - healthy sleep eliminates many problems. But if headaches at 12 weeks of pregnancy are combined with increased blood pressure, you should urgently visit a doctor and tell him about the problem.


If now a woman does not suffer from toxicosis, then she begins to gain 500 g every week. For many expectant mothers, the belly is not yet noticeable at 12 weeks of pregnancy. You should not be wary of this, because now the gynecologist can always listen to the baby’s heartbeat.


Bleeding at 12 weeks of pregnancy is dangerous. It doesn’t matter whether there is heavy bleeding, drops of blood or a brown spot. These are signs of a threatened miscarriage. You should immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen.


The temperature at the 12th week of pregnancy can fluctuate around 37-37.5 ° C. There are only two reasons for this phenomenon – a sluggish inflammatory process or the body’s reaction to an increase in progesterone levels. The latter case is the norm.

Temperatures above 38˚C are dangerous for the baby. It must not be allowed to last long. You should knock it down with folk remedies, for example, wiping it with water at room temperature and vinegar. Well, it's better to see a doctor.

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman’s body changes. Now the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own life. Therefore, she should be guided by certain recommendations.


Nutrition at 12 weeks of pregnancy plays a key role. At this time, the baby’s vital systems and organs develop. Sometimes toxicosis indicates that the menu should be changed.

Pregnancy often changes a woman's taste preferences. Therefore, she may like dishes that she did not like before. You should eat a variety of foods; at the 12th week of pregnancy, fetal development requires the presence of trace elements and vitamins in large quantities. In case of toxicosis, the expectant mother should include healthy foods in her diet that do not provoke nausea.

Fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw. All other foods should be boiled or baked. The expectant mother needs to eat porridge from different cereals. Now she and the baby need fish, meat and dairy products.

Alcohol and other harmful products

You should still limit your consumption of fatty, salty and smoked foods (especially with toxicosis). Coffee and alcohol are unacceptable at 12 weeks of pregnancy.


It is important for the expectant mother to receive all the necessary vitamins. At the 12th obstetric week you need to drink:

  • iodomarin;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin E (as recommended by a doctor);
  • magnesium B6 for uterine hypertonicity.

We should not forget about natural vitamins, which are found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits and berries.


If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then the expectant mother should not be limited in her intimate life. Moreover, at this time toxicosis passes, and the woman’s condition improves.

However, your doctor may advise you to abstain from sex at 12 weeks if the expectant mother has a low-lying placenta or a multiple pregnancy. One way or another, a woman should remember her “interesting” position and avoid an overly active intimate life.

The expectant mother should monitor her condition after sexual intercourse. The presence of seizures should not cause concern - this manifestation will soon pass. But spotting at 12 weeks of pregnancy is a reason to immediately consult a specialist.

Physical activity

Carrying a baby is a colossal burden for the mother’s body. The upcoming birth is also a great test of a woman’s physical strength. Therefore, exercises appropriate to the stage of pregnancy are important. They will allow the expectant mother to be “fully armed.”

The peculiarities of the 12th week of pregnancy allow for moderate physical activity. Now it is better to do swimming or light gymnastics; you should not resort to traumatic sports.

It is advisable for the expectant mother to avoid contact sports, cycling, strength training, horseback riding, as well as skiing and skating. It is important not to ignore feelings of tiredness and tiredness during the 12th week of pregnancy. As soon as they appear, you need to take a break.

Medicines and medical procedures

Before taking any medications, you should weigh the pros and cons. It’s better to consult your doctor. Many anomalies in the process of intrauterine development of the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy occur due to the use of drugs.


In the absence of allergic reactions, it is better to resort to treatment using herbal remedies and other folk remedies. So, a cold at 12 weeks of pregnancy is treated with warm cranberry juice. If this method does not bring results, you should consult a gynecologist regarding taking medications.

Possible problems

Now the risk of losing a baby is much lower than before. However, you should be wary if:

  • brown or bloody discharge appeared at 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • bleeding began;
  • the lower back aches and the stomach pulls;
  • Significant watery discharge began to bother me.

In all these situations, you should definitely consult a doctor or call an ambulance number and consult with specialists.

If painful urination occurs, you should tell your gynecologist about the problem. This symptom sometimes appears with cystitis.


If the expectant mother is still not registered with the antenatal clinic, the time has come to do so. At 12 weeks of pregnancy you need to take a biochemical blood test.

Ultrasound or screening

An ultrasound scan at 12 weeks of pregnancy looks at the size of the fetus and its compliance with standards. Thus, the CTE is about 5.5 cm. A number of other parameters are also measured. It is important for the expectant mother to remember that the baby’s parameters may differ from accepted norms and at the same time he does not necessarily have any pathologies - all children develop individually. If you are confused by something in the interpretation of the ultrasound of the 12th week of pregnancy, ask a specialist to advise you.

Screening at the 12th week of pregnancy shows the mother that the baby, while in a sitting position, sucks its thumb, actively moves, and breathes. She will hear her baby's heartbeat. The specialist will assess the structure of the placenta and uterus and rule out developmental defects in the baby by examining the collar area.

The latter can identify most pathologies, including Down Syndrome. Depending on the position of the baby, an ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy is performed either abdominally or using a transvaginal sensor.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At the 12th week of IVF pregnancy, a basic genetic test is performed. A woman needs to donate blood for PAPP and beta-hCG.

The most dangerous time is behind us. If the pregnancy has not been terminated before 12 weeks, the expectant mother can breathe a sigh of relief.

Multiple pregnancy

At the 12th week of pregnancy with twins, the threat of miscarriage decreases, the most dangerous period is behind us. Usually, with multiple gestations, toxicosis prolongs.

Otherwise, babies develop in accordance with generally accepted norms.

Video of the twelfth week of pregnancy