“pros” and “cons”: affirmations, afformations, apk programs. Affirmations for health and physical perfection Affirmations for changing and correcting the body

Talking about healing properties of the voice, one cannot fail to mention such a common version of vocal and mental influence, sung by all modern psychologists, as AFFIRMATION. Just a little less common AFFORMATIONS. In both cases, these designations, like tools, can be used (and are used) in the practices of any healing. About APK-PROGRAMS, about which very little is known, will be discussed in the last part of the article.

Here we must immediately take into account the meanings of these similar words, between which there is a significant difference (which we will talk about later), namely: AFFIRMATION- from the Latin word "firmare" "to make statements" , A AFFORMATION- from the Latin word "formare" "form" , meaning "shape the future" .

But now we will figure out what is more correct, more effective and better.


It was gratifying to discover that there are still articles on this controversial issue on the Internet, which show that people already know the difference between AFFIRMATION And AFFORMATION. True, there were very few analyzing articles; more and more I came across posts with a specific militant call, such as “Change affirmations for afformations!” or with the title it’s quite the opposite.

At one time I came across a very intelligible article about these two “techniques”, where everything was clearly explained, what the difference is and, most importantly, what the difference is in the impact. The article is called “Afformations are the path to God” , author – Andrey Patrushev. If you want, you can read it right now, but I will, if necessary, quote excerpts from it in my article.

For those who encounter such abstruse words for the first time as AFFIRMATION And AFFORMATION, I will explain (because the Internet is littered with these words) that, basically, AFFIRMATION used in all TECHNIQUES on self-development, self-examination and other enlightenment in knowing yourself and changing your life for the better (in any direction).

As you know, AFFIRMATION- This STATEMENT and I mean the statement POSITIVE. In any psychotechnics, as a rule, you will always find work with AFFORMATION, since psychotechnics are, in principle, designed to bring about some kind of positive change.

“Have you ever wanted to change your life? If you need more joy in life, more freedom to do what you love, more money, then the answer is usually YES.

If you not only wanted, but also tried, then like many other people you:

  • on Monday they decided to start playing sports or go on a new, this time the most effective, diet;
  • read a huge number of books on self-development;
  • meditated with audio recordings of various inspiring “sets”;
  • regularly wrote down and analyzed their goals;
  • sought support from loved ones and relatives;
  • wrote and/or spoke affirmations.
  • Etc. and so on.


Because the most successful people on the planet have often told us in their books and articles that this should work because it once worked for them...

...Let's take the same affirmations. As the old song says: “My thoughts are my seeds...” (oh, sorry, there were “horses” there). But seriously, all the “life success” teachers unanimously claim that our every thought is literally a seed that we plant on the field of our life every minute of this very life, regardless of whether we realize it or not. Thus, changing your thoughts with affirmations, we end up changing our lives.” ()

And indeed, most people, one way or another, at least once in their lives, tried to use AFFIRMATIONS. “I have a lot of money!”, “I am absolutely healthy!”, “I am loved and happy!” etc. and so on. And yes, many psychologists and self-development teachers insist that AFFIRMATIONS you need to not only say it out loud in front of a mirror or something else (naturally, visualizing the desired result), but also write all these statements on paper, hang them around the apartment (so that your eyes always come across these slogans of a “new life”), and also sit down and write them, writing a ton of paper, so that energy could be invested more efficiently into what was written with one’s own hand, so that, therefore, one’s own statements of what one wanted were literally imprinted into the brain and consciousness. For what? Well, actually, in this way CHANGE your thinking, your attitude in life, so that, as they say, “” everything works... But first you need BELIEVE in your own words, right?

I tried to use something similar once. True, I didn’t prescribe (I was lazy, frankly speaking), but in the mirror, looking into my eyes, I tried to pronounce it. But VERY FAST threw away this whole idea with AFFIRMATIONS... Because I realized that in my case (more precisely, in the case of my critical brain) this is completely USELESS.

No, I loved to dream, and I very willingly and beautifully imagined everything in detail (how my life was changing, how this and that appeared in it, etc.). But here TO THE VOICE YOUR OWN uttering AFFIRMATIONS, I absolutely NOT I believed. What can we say about thoughts... The following passage is just right here, because it completely coincided with what was happening to me at that moment:

“For example, “money”. The situation with money is very common and the problem is the same for everyone (from a beggar to a millionaire) - “I have some money, but others have everything else.” If the reason is established, then the rest, as they say, is “a matter of technique.” Charging affirmation: "I'm rich!" and we begin to think about it, write it down and pronounce it... Since we really have been wanting more for a long time, we, of course, are trying very hard...

As a result, very quickly, thanks to our new seed thoughts, everything in our life changes, as if by magic - we begin to live in abundance and abundance... A beautiful scenario (hmm, we would probably agree - let it stretch even for a couple of years, otherwise what the hell, the roof will move off...). How is all this in life? Those who at the same time are trying to do at least something to achieve this very prosperity and abundance, after a while, heavily wiping the sweat from their foreheads, can say: “Yes, damn it, it really works...”, but the rest have to... in that joke, “to be proud of your enuresis.”

Let's experiment right now. Tell yourself: “I am rich, I live in abundance and abundance.” And now again: “I’m rich...”. Listen to what is happening in your head at this moment. Is there anything else there? Voice…. A voice that says something like: “Ah..., well, well...”. Perhaps the point is that we repeated too little? After all, teachers tell us that we need to repeat it for a long time and a lot in order to believe in all this, and then it will definitely work... Surely, one of the readers tried to do this as prescribed (like me, by the way), and as a result ... still nothing happened. Why?

Why, if it really is as simple as everyone says and writes, why doesn’t it always work? It can't be that we are all stupid idiots incapable of thinking positively.

Having delved into personal history, we can easily establish that the main thought, which until now has constantly thrown us back from universal abundance and prosperity, stretches from deep childhood and is far from original - “I am not enough!” Much of what we learned in childhood continues to guide us through life, regardless of whether we realize it or not... And where our conscious efforts, expressed in affirmations, collide with our unconscious, of course the unconscious wins.” ()

Or here it is said very precisely:

“Perhaps today, thanks to Louise Hay, everyone knows that affirmations- These are positive statements about what we want, expressed in the present tense, as if the desire has already come true.

Here are examples of traditional affirmations: “I am rich, successful and healthy”, “I am the most charming and attractive”, “I am a money magnet”, etc.

It is believed that positive statements help to attune our consciousness with our subconscious. And at the moment of speaking affirmations our mind begins to move towards what we declare.

However, the experience of many, many people who first used affirmations, and then lost faith in them, tells us that the desired movement towards the goal does not occur in the mind. What happens instead?

Yes, there is a conflict! The mind begins to doubt the spoken words and ask its own questions. Many women told me how, standing in front of the mirror, they repeated: “I am the most charming and attractive, I am the most charming and attractive.”

And suddenly the question arose in my head: “Who? I? Nonsense! I'm a complete fool!

Then there was an attempt to push this question far away and further incantation and self-persuasion: “I am the most charming and attractive, I am the most charming and attractive.”

And so on to a new question in my head: “Why are you talking nonsense here? Look at yourself! You’re a loser and ugly!”

In the last passage a very precise word is used (with which I, at least, completely agree), that AFFIRMATION often is not APPROVAL, A SELF-PERSUSION. And as one author said in some article - AFFIRMATIONS suitable only for those people whose mind (brain, mind, consciousness) TRAINED AND READY FOR REPROGRAMMING! This is really true. Another thing is that such people who really easily know how to reconfigure themselves and forbid their consciousness to “chatter” in response to AFFIRMATIONS something completely opposite, dragging thinking into the usual critical framework, VERY few. And they can probably be envied.

I’m definitely not one of those “lucky” ones, alas. AFFIRMATIONS caused complete protest in my mind. Accordingly, I NOT accepted and I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT in them.

And then I started digging and asking that very trivial question - “why do I have DOES NOT WORK affirmations? And I came across an article by Andrei Patrushev, which I already mentioned. It was about change AFFIRMATIONS in AFFORMATIONS. So what is the difference and what is this new “fruit” eaten with?

“Let's take a little break from our sheep and think about what the problem is? Any problem from the most global to the most banal is question, the answer to which has not yet been found...

Our brain, our subconscious are designed in such a way that if some the question was asked, then the search for an answer to it continues until complete satisfaction (even after receiving several more or less acceptable answers). To our question made some sense the statement hidden in it must be true.

So, if they help you affirmations- Great! But if you are not completely satisfied with the results, then why not statements that you don't really believe in, don't try questions that will help completely change your life?

Remember that in every question there is hidden statement. Therefore, if you repeat to yourself 1000 times a day “I am successful and lucky!”, and if things start to go even a little differently than you planned, you start whining - “Why does this always happen to me...”, then “win”, of course , second, because it reflects your true attitude towards the World.

Now you are probably beginning to understand what most people do with their lives. Most of them go through life asking themselves and others negative questions and wondering why success and luck pass them by.

But the main grain that you should take away from all this is that there are questions that take away power, And empowering questions.

Therefore, without even a minute’s delay, take a piece of paper and write down five of your personal questions that take away your power, For example:

  • Why doesn't anyone love me?
  • Why do I have so little money?
  • Why is everyone pushing me around?
  • Why am I so afraid?
  • Why am I so lonely?

Well, how does it feel?

Now ask yourself: “How can I replace these questions with others that give me strength and power?” And, immediately, just replace your exes negative questions on positive, For example:

  • Why does everyone love me?
  • Why do I have more than enough money?
  • Why does the whole world help me?
  • Why am I so calm and peaceful?
  • Why do I have so many friends?
  • Why does my beloved love me so much and care about me?

And what Now Do you feel asking yourself such questions?

Questions that give strength and power, focus your attention on what you want to, and not on what you you do not want, and do not cause internal protest, like affirmations. The only answers to these questions will be answers that give a feeling of self-esteem, love and self-confidence.

See, it's as simple as affirmations, but much more powerful! After all, as Einstein said: “The answer to the question “Why?” Only the Lord God knows.” And I hope you have already felt the difference.” ()

I think from the above passage it became clear that AFFORMATION- This reworking AFFIRMATIONS(statements) in QUESTION, in which the same thing is hidden statement. And note that ALL AFFORMATIONS start with the word "Why".

Method AFFORMATIONS perhaps first became known thanks to the book, author Noah St. John(Noah St. John). The book was published in Russian in 2009 and quickly gained popularity. Of course, because this work completely broke all ideas about AFFIRMATIONS, turning everything upside down and crossing out the deep-rooted tools and foundations of modern psychology! They wrote about St. John that he actually “cracked the secret code of success” that was owned by all successful people in the world.

« Noah St. John received an excellent education, but for a long time worked in various unpromising jobs. Asking the question “How could a person with such an education achieve so little?”, he began to actively study a phenomenon called SUCCESS. The result of his many years of work was the book "7 Secret Steps to Health and Happiness". He found the answer to his question. This seemingly simple answer changed not only his life, but the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world. However, despite its obviousness, not one of the recognized “success gurus” has ever mentioned it.

Noah St. John got to the very essence of the phenomenon of Success, unraveled (if not cracked) its secret code. And no matter what exactly each of the readers wants to achieve - earn more money, have more free time, improve relationships with others, improve their performance, lose weight or increase self-esteem - Noah's book tells how to achieve this faster, easier and with much less effort. Have you ever wondered why millions of people spend time and money trying to improve themselves in hopes of becoming rich and happy, but remain in the same place? It is obvious that the methods for attracting success are missing an invisible but important link. Noah St. John managed to unravel the very essence - the secret code of success. With the technique "7 Secret Steps to Health and Happiness" everyone has a real chance to fulfill their dreams.” ()

I read the book. But either the information is already outdated for me (because they themselves afformations I tried it much earlier), either I myself became the “wise turtle Tortilla”, or the content of the “secret code” was so drawn out and smeared by the author, but the book NOT evoked some kind of stormy delight and squealing in me. In this article I mention this work only because of its author, who, in fact, belongs to the national “discovery” AFFORMATIONS. If you want, read this book yourself (it is not too long), it can be downloaded for free on the Internet.

But it must be said that the reasonable grain in AFFORMATIONS yet there really is. At least, having read that article by A. Patrushev for the first time, I immediately decided to try it AFFORMATIONS on myself. Fortunately, Andrei Patrushev has a huge list at the end of the article AFFORMATIONS on a variety of life topics, I didn’t even have to come up with anything myself. As a result, I made my own personal list AFFORMATIONS- that is, those questions, which suited me. And the experiment began. But not just out of interest, but sacredly hoping to get results (well, I really needed to!) and not being idle in life itself, of course.

Little by little my list of selected AFFORMATIONS was shrinking and I began to create my own personal AFFORMATIONS. At first (especially the first 2 days) the work was very positive. I really almost laughed, saying all these questions out loud. Me VERY I was glad that my consciousness NOT rejects all these questions with hidden statements. And I really experienced inner uplift and positivity, I LIKED what I do. After finishing working with AFFORMATIONS I was always in a good mood and with a smile on my face, pleasure was just bursting through me

When during the day I suddenly encountered difficult or difficult situations, people or events, or when some negative thoughts suddenly entered my head, etc., I remembered again AFFORMATIONS and if not out loud, then mentally repeated (questioned) them. But it must be said that working with AFFIRMATIONS whether or with AFFORMATIONS still assumes LISTENING TO YOUR OWN VOICE- it is important. Important here it is not just to think or think in a certain way, but also to give it a very specific felt (audible) SEND, IMPULSE in the form of WHAT you hear PUSH. . Internally or only mentally and AFFIRMATIONS, And AFFORMATIONS, I would say, they work very poorly. More precisely, ineffective.

Asking yourself questions like AFFORMATIONS, like " Why I'm so happy?", " Why Is it all that easy for me?”, “ Why Do I have enough money for everything I need?", " Why Do I always feel great? and dozens of others, I heard how my consciousness inside answered me - “But really, Why? And everything seemed to be going as it should, the truth in my life DOESN'T MATTER still nothing had changed. But I didn’t lose heart. I asked and asked, at least raising my spirits (and this was already very good for me at that period of my life).

But after just 2 weeks I became LOSE that same positive feeling from working with AFFORMATIONS. And, of course, I couldn’t help but pay attention to it. I understood more and more clearly that AFFORMATIONS STOP HAVING AN EFFECT ON ME I smiled less and less, nothing inside was applauding with delight, and, frankly speaking, the positivity had completely disappeared somewhere. I felt DOESN'T MATTER. Neither good nor bad. No, I still perfectly understood and understood the meaning of the questions, but the questions themselves seemed to me to be... something past and not interesting. Naturally, I immediately tried my best AFFORMATIONS“update” - replaced them with new ones, went on to other topics that were also important to me. But the effect ZERO! Nothing happened. AFFORMATIONS became completely sterile for me

When I remained in silence and thought, trying to hear MYSELF inside, to find at least some response to the current situation, I suddenly understood and realized an important result for myself: my CONSCIOUSNESS HAS ADAPTED to this “game”... It was a “low blow”...

It's possible that I have TOO MUCH a critical mind, of course, but nevertheless, I clearly heard inside myself: “Do you want to play questions? Playing a game called “positivity”? Well, okay, let's have fun, let's smile at your questions, which are really behind WORTHLESS And you know it!" It was creepy IS IT TRUE from my mind. And I couldn’t refute it.

Maybe someone will say that I asked the wrong questions AFFORMATIONS, compiled them incorrectly. But no, comrades, I did everything as instructed by all sorts of “advanced teachers on success and self-development.” And even Noah St. John’s book didn’t help me even then.

You can say whatever you want, but my experience is MY experience and perhaps it does not coincide with the experiences of other people who have tried it on themselves AFFORMATIONS. And it’s possible that exactly MY psychotype THE working method NOT fits. After all, this happens. But life has shown that my experience is, in fact, far from being an exception to the rule and that such fleeting joy from working with AFFORMATIONS experienced by many.

In general, what can we say? What AFFORMATIONS definitely more effective AFFIRMATIONS(for those whose minds are difficult to “self-reprogram”). And if AFFIRMATIONS practically NOT IMMEDIATELY work or work at 5% of 100 predicted, then action AFFORMATIONS it will be longer. But, alas, it is clearly not infinite. Overall, I AFFIRMATIONS resemble a dummy pill that doesn’t help at all, but AFFORMATIONS similar to a weak analgesic, to which FAST The body gets used to it and therefore the effect itself ceases to work quite soon.

No, I believe that someone has all these AFFIRMATIONS-AFFORMATIONS fit that someone has them WORKING and tangible. I can only be happy for these people and wish them all the best! But what should people like me do?

My consciousness is exactly ADJUSTED to influence AFFORMATIONS. And at first, the brain really tried to find answers to the questions asked. But then the mind refused to look for or answer anything, and let the questions fall on deaf ears, so to speak. Consciousness has simply begun ignore AFFORMATIONS, considering all this to be a kind of “make-believe game”, something frivolous, for which NO NEED be responsible. Illusion game began to blur and the questions began to cause almost irritation. On this we had to AFFORMATIONS say goodbye...

Of course I was sorry. I hoped, I wanted the best for myself, I tried, I gave myself completely to this experience. And the bottom line is again ZERO. And I began to wonder how it was possible bypass your consciousness? How to turn off your inner critic? More precisely, it will not be possible to turn it off at all, but how can I still make sure that my “critic” does nothing? DIDN'T NOTICE, didn’t feel and didn’t react with your reinforced concrete arguments?

And after some time I met APK PROGRAMS


About existence APK-PROGRAMS I found out quite by accident from my Master Galina Ryabova during a sensory course ( website and forum "Magisterium" ). Galina once accidentally mentioned APK-PROGRAMS in one of the course conferences and highly recommended them to try for anyone interested. Of course, I immediately became interested (I’m curious and I always need more than everyone else!).

The master also said that she communicated personally with the developers of these programs and assured all course participants that these people are very reliable, who do science not for the sake of money, but for the sake of science and interest itself. Another advantage for trusting APK-PROGRAMS It was because Galina herself also used them and was quite pleased with the result.

I’ll say right away that if AFFIRMATIONS and AFFORMATIONS are an instrument of voice influence, that is, it influences, then that’s exactly APK PROGRAMS designed for HEARING, and not on pronunciation. But, as you know, it affects us no less than (read about this in previous articles in this section of the blog).

APK PROGRAMS are development Institute of Medical-Biological Information Technologies (IMBIT ), which was founded in 1996 in Moscow. Their technology APK-PROGRAMS has undergone clinical testing, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and ROSTEST of the Russian Federation, a Russian patent has also been issued for the technology, and the development itself has been carried out since 1982 according to the State Order plan. In general, everything is serious and quite reliable, as you can see.

The history of the Institute itself begins in the early 1980s and at the moment the Institute cooperates with the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, with the Center for Analytical Research in the field of physics, chemistry and biology under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the Siberian State Medical University (Siberian State Medical University), and also with other medical and scientific centers and organizations. The priority areas of scientific activity of the Institute are the development and testing of software, hardware and information technologies for psychophysiological correction and diagnosis of an individual and groups of individuals (teams). The Institute's developments include methods of unconscious correction and diagnostics, including technologies of unconscious auditory psychocorrection ( AIC technologies). The Institute’s technologies are being tested at various clinical and treatment sites (you can read a list of them on the Institute’s website, the link to which I gave above). Technologies of unconscious auditory psychocorrection are the only therapeutic sound technologies of a psychological nature that are approved and recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in guidelines for doctors.

“Among the many scientific developments of the Institute, the most notable are APK PROGRAMS, which are made according to the method « SOMVI» — technologies for creating auditory (sound) psychocorrection programs. « SOMVI» is an abbreviation of English words S ound O vertone M odulation of V oice I nformation (sound overtone modulation of voice information).

APK-PROGRAM is an audio recording in which information is embedded (“sewn in”) into the background sound (for example, music) in a form of influence that is not perceived by consciousness (inaudible) according to the “25th frame” principle. Technology allows you to directly influence the unconscious sphere of a person or group of people.

Psychocorrectional programs are aimed at getting rid of psychopathological disorders and addictions, as well as changing the emotional-volitional sphere of a person, psychophysiological state, modifying the psyche and correcting behavior in accordance with the goals.” ()

Here's a short video about method "SOMVI» and APK-PROGRAMS:

« APK PROGRAMS belong to psychotechnologies. Using special software and hardware, they encode human speech (or any other sound), transforming it into an unconscious form of influence. This allows you to enter therapeutic information to a person in such a way that it affects directly the unconscious level of the psyche, and through it, the psychophysiological state as a whole.

AIC technologies
use the brain mechanisms of the functioning of the human auditory analyzer, which is capable of perceiving all sound information entering it (even “inaudible by consciousness”, “noisy”). This information is not realized; a person cannot control and influence the changes that occur in him under its influence. This allows you to effectively, quickly and without drug intervention solve problems related to both health and psychological problems, addictions, etc.

Thus, in APK-PROGRAMS The main thing is not the sound that you hear (music or the sound of the sea surf), but the healing information that is “hardwired” in the audible sound. The medicinal effect contained in APK-PROGRAMS, will have a beneficial effect in accordance with its purpose and regardless of the individual perception of the audible sound.” (from the brochure to APK-PROGRAM "Bimental")

That’s it, I’ve given you the official information, I’ll continue in my own words.

Of course, when I got to the site IMBITa and I carefully read everything there about APK PROGRAMS, and at the same time about their new development - the “SANATA” kit (already audiovisual psychocorrectional programs), and also looked at the reviews about all these programs (we must pay tribute to the honesty of the developers, who “deliberately excluded those letters from our clients that contained positive feedback, gratitude, etc., and left only letters with questions, criticism and complaints, so that you could familiarize yourself with the answers that may be of interest to you. This is necessary so that you have the opportunity to make an independent and deliberate decision about the need to use our psychocorrection programs for yourself or your loved ones"), willy-nilly, some associations arose in my head with ideas from famous books, such as: "A Clockwork Orange" Anthony Burgess (and the cult film of the same name by Stanley Kubrick, based on this novel) and "Inhabited Island" the Strugatsky brothers (film adaptation of the same name by F. Bondarchuk).

In the reviews, I also read fearful and suspicious questions from people, but isn’t this harmful? How safe is it to use such an effect? Don't these people turn people APK PROGRAMS in controlled zombies? And all these questions can be understood, because really everything like this is possible. But we are still talking, firstly, about CONSCIOUS decision - to buy these programs or not, to use them or not, in the end no one cares NOT imposes.

Secondly, if you carefully read everything about the Institute, it will become clear that the developments are carried out precisely FOR GOOD HEALTH, and not just for psychocoding people and their behavior. No, I don’t argue, maybe in some secret missions they also produce something like this, but what the Institute offers on its website are completely harmless things (see all products at APK-PROGRAMS You can ).

Naturally, in the reviews there were more than once people’s suggestions that the developers lay out (write, publish, attach to disks) those “hardwired” therapeutic AFFIRMATIONS(after all, in fact, there it is AFFIRMATIONS!), which sound secretly behind the background music and sounds of nature. Like, “you never know what’s written there - you need to know everything, otherwise suddenly you’re zombifying us for unknown reasons!”

To which the developers give a very reasonable answer, that the goal is precisely that the hidden influencing information BYPASSED CONSCIOUSNESS(conscious perception) and went straight into the realm of the unconscious! And if a person WILL KNOW, what exactly was “said” behind the background music (the words themselves, phrases, etc.) and his brain, accordingly, will process this information and build a certain attitude towards it (as in the case of working with AFFIRMATIONS, about which I spoke above), then there will be practically no effect, everything will be in vain. So there is only one thing here - either you trust APK-PROGRAMS, or are paranoidly afraid of them.

This is exactly what hooked me, because it was THIS That's what I was looking for. That is, for me personally APK PROGRAMS became the same option when the same AFFIRMATIONS, statements, setting phrases and corrector phrases bypass the brain(because we do not hear them and therefore cannot understand or analyze them) and immediately fall into the subcortex.

As you know, our unconscious HEARS AND FIXES EVERYTHING– any incoming signal or sound, picture or image, symbol, smell, feeling, etc. And in this case it turns out that consciousness ours hears and perceives only beautiful music or sounds of nature (accordingly, it relaxes, thereby giving greater access to the sphere of the unconscious), and ours subconscious at this moment receives not only background sounds, but also the main “hardwired” information, which is designed to influence and corresponds to the specific direction or area with which it is working APK-PROGRAM.

What else did I like? What tracks are on the disc with APK-PROGRAM Doesn't take long to listen to. You need to listen 1-2 times a day (each disc contains detailed instructions and takes into account all possible human reactions that may arise after listening or after some time) and at the same time you can practice ANY by your own affairs. It’s better, of course, to completely escape from everything, but if this is not possible, then you can simply insert headphones or turn on the disc through an external media (for example, a stereo system) and listen to it in the background. For example, I often listened to the disc while sitting at work on the computer. For me personally, it was very convenient! No talking into the mirror, no attunements or visualization of images. Mind your own business, work or lie on the couch and JUST LISTEN 20 minutes 2 times a day disc. Beauty!

I bought a set BIMENTAL ", which includes 4 discs at once: APK PROGRAMS "Relaxation", "Mood", "Confidence" and "Health". All of these programs can be purchased separately. The cost for the set personally did not upset me at all and I did not regret buying this collection. The price may seem expensive to some, but everyone decides for themselves.

I will never forget my very first experience from the first disc "Relaxation" I had a calm day, I slept well, in the afternoon I had to go to work, in general, everything was as usual. I turned on the disc and listened. I didn’t notice anything special, I was doing something while listening, I didn’t react in any way to the music there, since it didn’t attract me personally (let’s not forget that I’m still a professional musician by training and am VERY selective about any music I listen to).

Then I went to work. And that’s where it all began... I really wanted to SLEEP! I was really just “smeared”. No, my mind wasn’t swimming, I was figuring everything out, it’s just that some kind of relaxation set in inside me, that every now and then I was “nodding off” in the subway, and barely made it to work. VERY I wanted to lie down and sleep. I didn’t understand anything, why it suddenly knocked me out like that. I worked with difficulty - I wanted to sleep so badly that I could put matches in my eyes! And I was still surprised, thinking, “I got enough sleep! I am not tired! Maybe there’s something wrong with the atmospheric pressure?” And only then did it dawn on me that this was my reaction to the disc I listened to APK-PROGRAM “Relaxation”! Wow!

As you understand, after such results, my joy and confidence in these programs only increased. I will not describe here all those reactions that the developers themselves warn about (as possible) - you can read about them in detail in numerous reviews on the site for each APK-PROGRAM.

But in the end, I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or what, for the entire period since listening to “Bimental” I'VE NEVER BEEN SICK. It is clear that my experiments, trials and experiments were not limited only to APK PROGRAMS, I studied a lot of things, again worked with sound and a lot more, but nevertheless development IMBIT but included in my collection EFFECTIVE techniques (techniques, options) for improving the health of the body. Yes, it's not free. But APK-PROGRAM only bought ONE once, but you can use it all your life and get the effect from it all your life, not to mention the fact that within the same family there are discs with APK PROGRAMS can be used by many people (there is no need to buy something separately for each family member, unless the purpose of the program is something special).

Overall, I can say one thing - I FOUND FOR MYSELF the solution I was looking for and I really thank Master Galina for this tip, as well as the IMBIT staff. I don’t suffer from all these fears and nonsense about being “zombified,” I just trusted and tried. And I don’t regret it at all! By the way, APK PROGRAMS After the first course (it is recommended to listen to each disc for 14 days, then take a break and listen to the next program), you can selectively listen to it again later.

It's a pity that IMBIT and these APK-PROGRAMS not so much. The assortment is not gigantic. But the developers touched, perhaps, on many important topics in a person’s life, for which there is always a request for change - programs against addictions (alcohol, drug addiction and smoking, as well as gambling), the “Figure” program, “Cardioton”, “Erexil” and others (I think the names speak for themselves).

The developers also warn that other auditory technologies of a psychological nature (from other creators) have recently appeared on the Internet, many of which to one degree or another copy the developments of IMBIT. Also in the reviews I read irritated excerpts from letters from people who accused IMBIT is that APK PROGRAMS do not work and have no effect at all, and then in the course of the letter it turned out that APK PROGRAMS with this name IMBIT but no and it was not that the author of the letter bought the program from someone else.

Please note that in the product catalog of this Institute NO APK PROGRAMS about attracting wealth and getting rich, about running a successful business, about fulfilling desires and attracting good luck, about a happy marriage and getting rid of loneliness. Programs IMBIT and calculated EXACTLY FOR THE HEALTH SPHERE! And not on all these “sweet seductive” topics that are so full of ALL psychological trainings and books. Personally, I really like this. After all, as they say, “The main thing is health, and the rest will follow” But not everyone understands this...

But the site has a section about creating INDIVIDUAL APK PROGRAM. That is, a program can be created PERSONALLY FOR YOU And FOR YOU, on the topic that interests you (although there may be some restrictions, I don’t know). The information tells you everything you need to do for this. It is clear that the creation INDIVIDUAL APK PROGRAM will cost more. Well, that’s why it’s individual, so to speak, in one copy and to order.

Creators APK-PROGRAMS also warn that YOU CANNOT COPY THE DISC. No, that is, you can copy it. But here is the entire impact of the disk (program) WILL LOSE. Because when copying (digitally) using computer programs gets lost It’s just that “hardwired” signal, it is not saved, and you simply get a copy of the background music, which in itself, as you understand, does not carry any program or therapeutic effect. So, whatever one may say, all that remains is to carefully store and listen to the original disc itself. You can’t even copy it to a computer - everything valuable will be lost. Therefore, before you go and search on the Internet APK PROGRAMS IMBIT and with the request “download for free”, think about whether you will then get what these programs are designed for.

It is known that a person consciously controls no more than 2-3% of all his actions. Everything else is controlled by our subconscious. For many, this word carries a connotation of something mystical. Something akin to subspace, a parallel (or even otherworldly) world full of chimeras. There is even an expression “labyrinth of the subconscious”.

Meanwhile, the subconscious is fundamentally a rather simple thing. This is nothing more than a set of programs and behavior algorithms pre-compiled by the brain for different occasions. After all, the brain is not able to think through and plan absolutely all actions. He focuses only on what is most important. On something that you have not yet encountered, and for which he does not yet have a ready-made program. It performs all other actions automatically, without distracting you with any “trifles.”

If your shoulder itches, your brain will automatically calculate the necessary trajectory of arm movement and give commands to the necessary muscles. The hand will begin to move, and the fingers will be exactly in the given place. Meanwhile, you may not even notice all this, being busy with something more important. This is how the subconscious works.

And yet, despite all the simplicity, clarity and logic of this process, there is something of magic in it. The real magic begins when you remember that the subconscious controls not only your movements. It controls everything. The way you tilt your head, the way you hold your posture, the way you squint your eyes when looking at your interlocutor. The words and intonation with which you express your thoughts. How you react to the words of your interlocutor is also determined by your subconscious. You can flare up or smile, get upset or laugh, rush into a fight or run away. We almost never make such decisions consciously. Meanwhile, our whole life and how the people around us treat us depend on them.

But that's not all. A person is a balanced, holistic system in which all parts, one way or another, work to solve a given problem. Your internal organs are also controlled by your brain. Various physiological processes in the body, such as the production of hormones, are controlled by the nervous system. In biology, this phenomenon is called nervous regulation.

The role of the subconscious in the functioning of the body is enormous. In order to realize this, it is enough to recall the placebo effect, in which recovery occurs solely due to the patient’s psychological mood. Medicine knows many examples of people being cured of a wide variety of diseases, including those incurable by traditional methods, only thanks to their inner attitude.

Thus, the subconscious determines not only your behavior, but also your health, physical fitness, body shape and, ultimately, success in life. This does not always happen directly, due to the “power of thought” alone. The subconscious mainly determines the way you live. If, for example, you have the mindset that you must have a slim and beautiful body, then you will follow a diet and go to the gym. In turn, this will lead to the desired result. But without such an installation nothing will happen.

So it turns out that our subconscious appears to us as some kind of omnipotent invisible monster, mysteriously controlling our entire life. And yet we have power over him.

As we have already said, the subconscious is nothing more than a set of pre-prepared programs. But where do they come from? Everything here, again, is very simple. They are formed by repeating the same actions over and over again.

Imagine that you are learning to dance. You do not yet have any automatic skills, and you have to consciously monitor the position of your arms and legs, monitor your posture and head rotation, and remember the sequence of movements. At first, everything turns out slowly and clumsily; you make mistakes every now and then, correct yourself and repeat the movements again and again. This is a consequence of the fact that your brain does not yet have the necessary program.

But time passes, and you begin to succeed. Finally, the dance turns into a continuous series of movements, smoothly flowing into each other and no longer requiring such detailed conscious control. And then, finally, you get the opportunity to enjoy the rhythm, music and grace of your own body. The language of dance becomes a new language of self-expression for you, which you use as easily as ordinary speech, for which you developed a program when you were 4 years old.

All of your programs, with the possible exception of innate physiological reflexes, you have ever developed within yourself. This has happened throughout my life and continues to happen now. Most often this is done without your conscious participation. Simply because the brain is designed that way. He strives to automate everything in order to have a ready-made behavior algorithm for the future. In the animal kingdom, this promotes survival. The faster the reaction to a given situation, the greater the chances of getting prey or staying alive.

However, we humans are sentient beings, and therefore, as in the case of dancing, we are able to shape our programs at will. One of the methods to do this is the so-called affirmations.

Try to remember what you usually think about, or watch your thoughts for a while. Do they contain negative statements? For example: “I’m a loser”, “I’m ugly”, “I have a terrible figure”, “I might get sick”, “I probably won’t be able to earn enough money”, “nobody likes me” or something like that. If you don't find any, then most likely you just haven't looked hard enough. Fears and negative thoughts are inherent in each of us to one degree or another. These are the subconscious attitudes or programs that destroy and limit our lives. They influence our lifestyle, the decisions we make, and even our health, because suggestion can not only heal, but vice versa. Indeed, why should a girl go to the gym or run in the morning if she is absolutely convinced that she will never become slim and attractive. Over the years, all this leads to the corresponding result, and we, as a “bonus,” receive a consolation prize - the opportunity to say: “Well, I turned out to be right, as always.”

Affirmations are an excellent and most effective way to displace negative attitudes from the subconscious and replace them with positive ones. Those that you define in advance and consciously for yourself. After that, they will begin to manage your life and lead to the desired result.

Affirmation technique

First of all, you need to decide on your goals and “figure out” which of your negative beliefs are preventing you from achieving them. If there are many goals (and this is normal), divide them into several areas, for example: “health”, “personal life”, “career”, “relationships with mother-in-law”, and work with each area in turn.

Write short positive statements (these are affirmations) for each of your goals. For example, on the topic “health” they could be like this:

“I am in excellent health”

"I'm always in a great mood"

"I am cheerful and energetic"

Usually there are 10-30 affirmations for each topic. Read more about the rules for compiling them in the next chapter. Print or write all the affirmations related to one topic on one sheet of paper and read them daily, trying to follow the principles below.

1. Regularity and persistence

Changing the subconscious is not a quick question. This process is possible due to such a phenomenon as brain neuroplasticity, and implies physical restructuring of its structure, formation of new connections between neurons. In order for such a restructuring to occur, multiple repetitions of the same actions and time are required. In the case of affirmations, the same physiological mechanisms work as when learning to dance or ride a bicycle. It takes time and persistence. Usually, new attitudes are fixed in the mind and become a habit no earlier than after 30-40 days, provided that you practice daily.

It is impossible to “overdo it” with affirmations. The more times during the day you repeat them, the better. You can read affirmations “to yourself” at work, in transport, on the way home and anywhere. But it’s best to set aside a special time for this and read aloud every day, in solitude, repeating each one 10 times. This usually takes no more than 10 minutes. It is recommended to do 2-3 such approaches during the day. For example, morning and evening.

2. Reminders

Hang signs with affirmations on the wall where possible and where you visit most often. In the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the office. Write them on the desktop screensaver of your computer. Set up “reminders” in your phone organizer. In general, use any aids available to remind yourself of your intentions.

3. Your body should be saying the same thing.

When pronouncing affirmations, watch your posture, facial expressions and the position of your arms and legs. All this should reflect what you say. When you say, “I'm in a great mood,” your body should show the same. The back is straight, the shoulders are straightened, there is a wide smile on the face.

The fact is that the brain perceives not only the language of words, but also the language of the body (including your own). Moreover, the latter is even more important than the first. This happens because body language, as a rule, always turns out to be more truthful, and we are accustomed to trusting it more. Imagine that someone says to you: “I love you,” but at the same time he looks frowning, and his hands are clenched into fists. What will you believe, the words or the body?

So, your body should be saying the same thing as your affirmations. Otherwise they won't work. Even if at this moment you are not having fun, still straighten your shoulders and smile “through force.”

4. Visualize what you are saying

When pronouncing the next affirmation, try to evoke the corresponding emotion or image in yourself. In the end, they are the ones who work. In principle, people need words and speech only to convey the images and emotions that one person has to another. These are simply means of transmitting information, and they do not have any special power. Unlike the feelings, emotions and images that they convey. It is images and emotions that are those information “objects” that your brain operates and that have meaning for it. Therefore, if you read affirmations mechanically, without feeling or imagining what you are reading, they will not work. It's like reading in an unknown language. You pronounce words, but your brain does not receive any information.

5. Take action

Don't get carried away with affirmations where you need to act. If you have a toothache, go to the dentist. If your room is a mess, clean it up. If you are afraid of robbers, change the lock.

Affirmations are a powerful and effective tool for forming correct thinking patterns, but by themselves they will not change your life. Take action!

Rules for writing affirmations

In order for affirmations to work, they must be formulated correctly. There are several nuances that you must know and observe. Otherwise, you, again, may not achieve the desired result. These are the rules.

1. All affirmations must be written in the present tense.


“I will have a big beautiful house on the lake”


“I live in a big beautiful house on the shore of a lake”

You should say this even if in fact you are currently living in a hostel. Of course, your subconscious will resist, because this, to put it mildly, is not true. Your task is to overcome this resistance and believe what you say.

2. Formulate in terms of the end goal.

You should always indicate in your affirmations the ultimate goal that you want to achieve, and not the problem that you want to get rid of.


"I don't have a headache"


“I am absolutely healthy. My head is always light and clear."

It is often said that the subconscious does not perceive the particle “not”. The phrase “I don’t have a headache” sounds to him like “I have hurts head". That is, by formulating it this way, you will get the opposite result.

From a psychological point of view, this effect can be justified by the fact that every word expressing a certain concept corresponds to some image in your mind. When you say the word “hurts,” you be sure to represent this, that is, a certain structure of neurons characteristic of this image is activated in your brain. This structure will be activated both when you say “it hurts” and when you say “it doesn’t hurt.” In both cases you are referring to the same image. By doing so, you are reinforcing it instead of getting rid of it.

3. Be more specific and detailed.

The more specific and detailed you describe what you are striving for, the better.


"I have a big house"


“I live in a large two-story country house. In the courtyard there is a park with a fountain and a swimming pool"

Remember, the main task when reading affirmations is to imagine what you are saying. The more detailed and vivid your images are, the greater the mark they will leave in your subconscious. On the contrary, unclear and non-specific images will be ineffective.

4. Use emotional language

Use as many words as possible that express positive emotions: “excellent”, “great”, “excellent”, etc.

Emotions are the main language that your subconscious understands.

We are designed in such a way that we remember well only those events that are accompanied by any emotions. An example of an extreme case is stress. If any event happens to a person that evokes very strong emotions (for example, fear), he remembers it for the rest of his life. And all at once.

Affirmations do not cause stress, so they have to be repeated many times in order to achieve the desired effect. But if they do not evoke emotions at all, their effectiveness will be extremely low.

5. Talk only about yourself

Affirmations are not magic. They cannot change other people or the world around them. They can only change you.

For this reason, affirmations like “People love and respect me” or “Maria Ivanovna treats me well” are useless. They will not change either Maria Ivanovna, or, especially, all the people in the world.

If you are concerned about such problems, you should think about how you need to change yourself so that what you want becomes a reality.

For example, instead of:

“People love and respect me”

You could use:

“I am a kind and reasonable person”

“I am always honest with other people”

“I see and appreciate the positive qualities in every person”

“I am always very attentive to other people”

"I like people"

It is for this reason that affirmations, as a rule, begin with the words “I..”, “I have...”, “Mine...”, etc.

To control your brain even better, train it on.

What are affirmations and how to use them

After you promise yourself to lose weight for the tenth time in a month. You start a new diet on Monday, and already on Tuesday, after finishing a package of chocolates for dinner, you definitely decide that tomorrow you will start all over again. It is at such moments that you wonder why losing weight is easy for some and difficult for others, and how do people have so much willpower to go on strict diets for months. And your personal record is a week, and that’s if you don’t count one pie with potatoes.

It's all about the attitude, the right attitude to lose weight is what so many unsuccessful slim people boast about. But where does this very mood come from when you only eat lettuce leaves and bread? Everything is not as difficult as it seems. Affirmations are what will come to the rescue.

Correct affirmations for body correction

Affirmations are small positive messages aimed at changing thinking and programming the future. This method allows you to set yourself up for success; it has been known for quite some time, but has only begun to gain popularity now.

One of the conditions for the strong impact of an affirmation is its correct construction:
pronoun + present predicate + adverbial and/or action.

For example, “I look good,” or “I’m losing weight before my eyes.” Another important condition is the absence of a “no” particle; this particle has a negative impact and subconsciously sets one up for denial. It is also very important to construct sentences in the present tense. The phrases “I will be thin” and “I am losing weight”, you see, sound different.

A very common problem in the fight against excess weight is the inability to break the habitual pattern of behavior. Affirmations successfully combat this problem; with their help, you can not only destroy the usual pattern of behavior, but also create a new one with proper nutrition and exercise. To do this, you need to use more specific affirmations, such as “I eat 2,000 calories a day,” “I take the stairs home,” or “I walk 30 minutes every morning. " Formulations such as “I play sports” or “I eat little” set less strict boundaries for a person and leave the opportunity to shirk the process of losing weight.

Body correction using affirmations will help you create the right mood and program yourself for the process of losing weight, achieve your goal and maintain the result.

Most of us (or rather, all of us) want to be healthy; but how can this be achieved? Should we change our diet? Or do you need to give yourself more physical activity? Or maybe we need to change our job or reconsider our entire lifestyle? What can really make us healthier?

A reliable path to health

Don't be surprised, but we want to offer you another way - affirmations for health. Of course, everything listed in the paragraph above is also important, but it is not always enough. Some find it hard to believe, but very often our illnesses begin in our heads. By clearing your mind, you will not only begin to feel better, but you will also see a direct path to recovery. Health is wealth, and healing affirmations are the key to this wealth. When we have healthy thoughts in our head, it is much easier for our body to feel healthy.

Some of you may be wondering how positive statements, which are what affirmations are, can improve our health. The fact is that many people do have some internal problems that can prevent them from being healthy. Of course, it would be an exaggeration to say that anyone wants to be sick, but there are people who have limiting beliefs that prevent them from accepting the healing and health that is within their reach. Instead of dwelling on their inability to get well, it would be better for them to simply start convincing themselves that they are open to positive changes in their health.

The connection between the mind (human consciousness) and the body is already very well known today. It has already been confirmed that many diseases are psychosomatic in nature. Even diseases caused by microbes and bacteria, in some cases, could be called psychosomatic in the sense that the body's immune system is sometimes reduced due to reasons caused by emotional stress.

Our emotions are under the control of thought, and thoughts can be formulated as we wish. Health affirmations help create healthy thoughts. This is how a connection appears between positive statements (affirmations) and our health. “To change your life, change your thoughts,” wrote Sir John Marx Templeton, an English entrepreneur and philanthropist, in his book “The Universal Laws of Life.” And it’s hard to disagree with him. You can fill your body with health just by using the appropriate affirmations. By repeating these statements over and over again, you can change your subconscious mind in such a way that it begins to transform your body to match healthy thoughts.

Even very serious illnesses can recede before the power of thought. The placebo effect, known in medical practice, is purely psychological. Its essence lies in the fact that instead of a real medicine, the patient is given only an imitation of it, but at the same time the patient is informed that he has been given a very strong drug. And he feels better! And the whole point is that the placebo affected the patient’s psyche; he believed that it would become easier for him, and so it became easier for him. Healing affirmations affect a person in a similar way.

There are also facts confirmed by scientists that our body produces various chemicals while we experience certain emotions. When a person is happy, substances are produced that have a beneficial effect on the body. When we are sad, substances that are harmful to health are produced. This was further confirmation that our thoughts significantly affect our well-being. It becomes obvious that positive affirmations can only have a beneficial effect on our body.

Best Affirmations for Health

How to use affirmations to improve your health? From the list we have provided, choose the affirmations that you like best and repeat them daily as often as possible for at least six months. However, do not under any circumstances stop the treatment prescribed by your doctor if you are sick. Affirmations complement medications, but do not replace them. Positive statements will strengthen your mind and your will, change the direction of your thoughts and help your body improve health.

Choose affirmations that you like and start working on your thoughts:

  • Every day I get healthier and healthier, I feel better and better.
  • I love myself and I'm completely healthy.
  • Every cell of my body cares about my health. I was born to be healthy.
  • I am full of energy and vitality, I am calm and happy.
  • I avoid junk food. I eat healthy and nutritious food that benefits my body and drink plenty of clean water that cleanses my body.
  • I have only positive thoughts, and I am always happy and joyful, regardless of any external conditions.
  • I always feel good. Because my body feels good, I only radiate good and positive feelings.
  • Every new day is full of hope, happiness and health.
  • I am always happy, cheerful and full of health. I am happy in spirit and cheerful in body.
  • I have a strong heart and a strong body. I am energetic and full of vitality.
  • Every day my body becomes more energetic, more healthy.
  • I view my body as a temple. It is pure and full of kindness.
  • I breathe deeply, exercise regularly, and feed my body only healthy foods.
  • I am free from diabetes, high blood pressure, free from any life threatening diseases.
  • Health, wealth and wisdom are my life motto. My body is healthy, I am rich, my mind is wise.
  • I create my own health.
  • I free my body to accept healing and health.
  • I am healthy!
  • I accept the health of my body.
  • I attract people and information that will help me live a healthy lifestyle.
  • I am open to letting go of unhealthy thoughts.
  • I am open to letting go of unhealthy behavior.
  • I am open to liberation from unhealthy eating.
  • I see myself healthy and happy.
  • I allow my body to heal itself.
  • I let go of my past and leave it behind.
  • My DNA is programmed for me to be healthy.
  • Being healthy is easy.
  • Being healthy is fun.
  • My health is very important to me.
  • My body is very important to me and I intend to take care of it.
  • My health is a priority.

You won't get healthy overnight. Sometimes working on yourself takes months, sometimes years, depending on your specific situation. The key to success is to focus on the idea that healing affirmations are a great way to heal.

A person’s inner world, his life experience and consciousness are shaped by the actions he performs, as well as the thoughts he holds in his head. Most people have a habit of thinking negatively. People simply don't realize how much damage they are doing to themselves through this type of thinking.

Rice. Creative affirmations for healing the soul and body

To get rid of negative thoughts and radically change your thinking, you need to say every day, created by professional psychologists. In addition to changing the direction of thinking, these phrases will help attract various benefits to life. You are required to control the words you say and the actions you perform. And most importantly, believe in what you say, because these affirmations rush into the Universe, which will definitely hear them and respond accordingly.

Affirmations for healing the soul and body

  • “I am part of a huge world, my life flows rhythmically and smoothly”
  • "The Universe has my back"
  • “Fate always gives me valuable experience”
  • “I get only the Highest Good from life”
  • “I am completely satisfied with everything I do”
  • “I always listen to my inner voice and heart”
  • “Every moment in life is special to me”
  • “I calmly mind my own business”
  • “I am ready to forgive myself and others”
  • “Forgiveness gives me the opportunity to let go of the past.”
  • “Forgiveness is a gift that I accepted from the Universe”
  • "I'm forgiven - I'm free"
  • “I trusted my inner wisdom, it is always on my side”
  • “The ability to forgive triggers the healing processes of my body”
  • “In my heart lives an omnipotent love that washes, cleanses and heals every cell of my being.”
  • “I float easily with the flow of life”
  • "I'm overwhelmed with love"
  • “I am sure that every life situation brings me only good things”
  • “I refuse to reproach the people around me”
  • "I am free of any charges"
  • “I take full advantage of my awareness, experience, skills and knowledge”
  • “I have an unlimited choice of my thoughts.”
  • “My choice is harmony, calm, love and balance”
  • “I believe in my happy future”

People are already sufficiently informed about the benefits of using affirmations. But, unfortunately, as often happens, their knowledge is separated from reality. Don't repeat the mistake of many. Knowing and not doing is much worse than not knowing. Let affirmations become a part of your life and help you find happiness!